Ohio State University-Lima Campus Top Questions

What should every freshman at Ohio State University-Lima Campus know before they start?


By attending The Ohio State University at Lima, I have met many knew people and have participated in quite a few freshman programs to help me adjust to college life. Also, by having professors and other students who are not originally from America or have another country as their background has showed me a little bit of diversity through the campus. So far, by attending it's taught me a lot about being independent and that in college professors aren't going to be as lenient and as forgiving as teachers are in high school. When I graduate I think I will be a different person than when I went in because of all the things I have been exposed to from college and the things I learn will also have changed me.


I have completed one year of college and I have found my college expierience enjoyable as well as challenging. The small campus enviromnment of Ohio State Lima has been a significant help, enabling more one-on-one interaction between me and my professors allowing greater understanding of my studies. The continued study has helped me improve upon my work ethics and study habits that where instilled in me from high school.


There are so many things that I received out of my education at OSU. I believe that the cooperative learning that my college offered helped me to become a better team player and also a better professional. OSU offers so many courses that suit so many different learning styles. I know that I felt like I was being challenged to become a better educator and better employee. I believe that the staff and campus offer so many skills to students that will aid in their development of whatever field they are pursuing. There are so many benefits of being an Ohio State Buckeye that will carry you in life. I truly feel that the name recognition of future employers benefit an OSU graduate. I believe that the reason that I got hired at my current position is because I graduated from OSU. I have also had previous potential employers comment on the fact that I did attend OSU. I loved my time at OSU and think that it is due to the fantastic staff, campus, and fellow students.


I have learned different techniques of studying as well as individual attention on the topics disscussedin class. I also liked the how the support center gave individual attention to really make sure that you can understand the material. It was important to attend because it prepares you when your are ready to tranfer to a four year college and it puts you ahead in your major. I got to meet new people and advance my skills in writing and computers as well as learn accouting which will help when it comes to runnimg a business.


Even though I am only a Freshman in college this year, I have gained a lot from The Ohio State University-Lima Campus. Some of these skills are: communication, collaboration, networking and time management. Since the classes are so small you meet people very quickly, communication and collaboration. You also get to know most of you professors very well and this is a major key to networking. Last but not least time management. Since most student commute to school you must learn very quickly how soon you must get to school so you can walk across campus for your 8:00 am class, This also means that the area high schools and elementarys will have thier busses out so you may have to leave earlier than normal. If you have a job you must also learn to juggle your school work, your job and your family.


During my college experience, I have learned that I must give myselp ample time to complete everything I set out to accomplish. As a transfer, it has been difficult to adjust to a new environment, however, I am now in a much better place than I was before. This new college experience at OSU Lima has been very valuable to me because I have learned so much already in only two quarters than I might have only learned in four quarters anywhere else. The faculty and staff has also been of great value to me. OSU has become a joy in my life because I see everyone around me trying to excel in their field of study. This also encourages me to be a lot more efficient in my studies.


I have definately learned the importance of time management. Between going to school full time, working part time, and helping out around the house, I have had to put aside many things that I normally enjoy doing, like working on cars. I have had to rank all the things I have to do as "important" or "unimportant" in order to accomplish everything. Because I have attended college, I have definately learned what things are truely important to me., which has lead me to managing my time a little more responsibly.


Matthew, apply for all the scholarships you can because money does not grow on trees. It will not hurt you to fill them out, because you do not want to be doing it in years time. College is expensive and you are going to have to get good grades so continue to work hard and you will do fine. Do not fall into the party scene because many people do and now they have dropped out, so work hard and be studious and you will do just fine!


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would advise myself to get the most out of my high school education. I would tell myself not to drop behind and to stay on top of my studies. I would also advise myself to take more mathematical classes such as physics and statistics, in order to help make my future college courses a little bit easier in the long run. In accordance with everything else, I would advise myself to apply for more scholarships and grants, instead of trying to pay for college all by myself with little fiinancial aid.


Being in college has taught me a lot, literally. I know more now than I ever did. Sometimes I wish I would have listened more than what I did in high school, and maybe would have taken it a little bit more seriously. Teachers aren?t stupid they obviously made through college to teach us. They know what the college experience is like, so their words of wisdom should really be listened to. I also wish not only my senior year in high school but throughout all four years I would have pushed myself a little bit harder. If I would have put the TV remote down or the computer and picked up a book maybe I could have got an A in a class that I got a B or C. By getting those higher grades I could have possibly gotten into a better University and maybe could have gotten some more help with financial aid.