From this year alone, I have learned and grown a great amount from Ohio State University. I have had the opportunity to gain friends and contacts that will last a lifetime. Attending Ohio State has been valuable in allowing me to grow up away from home and realize what is right for me. I've learned better time management, prioritizing and responsibility. I have learned and taken on more independence through this first year. I have gained a lot from my first year at Ohio State and I continue to gain more each day here. Attending Ohio State has shaped me as a person, and will continue to do so throughout the next 3 years.
I learned that I am capable of success and that I need to select a career that will keep me happy throughout life, no matter what anyone else wants for me. My college experience has allowed me to gain the knowledge necessary to perform in my career and I have made many new friends and future coworkers. It is worth it, to me, to keep attending college because I want to start on a future for my son. I am a young mother and I would like to be able to offer more for my son someday. Nothing is more important to me than my education at this time and I am prepared to do whatever it takes to get my degree.
More than anything, I have learned, and am still learning, the importance of thinking differently, the importance of being a genuine human being, and recognizing, understanding, and accepting the transience of a college experience. College is less of a lifetime event and more of a bridge that must be crossed in order to progress from childhood to adulthood. The unfortunate aspect is that each college student is engulfed in the most rapid, confusing, difficult, stressful, and demanding age of his or her life but also the most important for developing a firm foundation for adulthood. In other words, the first time that one is given the ultimate freedom to live and behave however he or she wishes coincides with the time when seriousness, genuineness, hard work, and patience are rewarded generously and when guidance is really needed. With that said, the college experience must be an individual process, a lesson which everyone approaches and exits differently, however, I will always believe the most important lessons learned are those which stem from experiences outside of the classroom.
During my college experience I have learned time managment. This is a very valuable lesson because in life one may recieve alot of work and personal things to do and one has to decide what he/she can handle and when is he/she going to do these things. I am planning on attending more semester so that I can learn many more valuable lessons.
The greatest part of my college experience has been the amazing people I have met here on campus. My professors have inspired me with their teaching and encouragement, my advisors have helped to guide me along my path, and my friends have been there to help with the difficult transition from high school to college life. The inspiring people I have met here and the experiences I have gained have been invaluable and have led me towards a career in teaching. One day, I hope to be able to pass on the lessons that I have learned in my past few years at Ohio State.
I have learned so much since i have been in collaeg. I encourrage all high school students to get redy for collage.
The Ohio State University is a fantastic school and I could not see myself at any other institution. Through OSU I have learned the tools needed to succeed in the professional world after undergrad. I have learned the true value of building a comradery with colleagues and classmates as you never know how they might benefit you in the future.
Although Ohio State has many resources that aid students through the college process and beyond, we are not spoiled and are allowed to make mistakes and learn lessons to live by. For example, it can become very easy to be distracted and let your grades slip with all the activities that ear offered on campus. In turn, by being successful we learn how to manage time and prioritize which is a skill that is vital in every aspect of life. It takes a special student to succeed at OSU but once we obtain a degree from this great university, it will hold a certain type of merit recognized by all we come in contact with. I truly love my school and recommend it to any and all driven and goal oriented individuals that are looking for great life long memories.
Out of my college experience, I have obtained wisdom. Intelligence and book knowledge only gets a person so far in life; however, I have wisdom obtained through patience, sweat and tears. When I decided to take a break from my education, I worked full-time for various call centers and nearly had a nervous breakdown due to the stress. I made the decision to finish my college degree so that I would never have to endure that sort of job again. Ohio State University has helped me reach this goal by providing difficult cirriculum. This cirricula has given me the opportunity to work hard, face my fears, and ultimately has given me the patience to endure a career doing anything I want to do.
The character qualities I have obtained are as follows: responsible, reliable, and relentless. I have to be responsible with my work ethic, studies, and servicing to my own needs now that I live on my own. Although I have always been an independent person, I have taken on so much more over the past year than I ever expected to encounter. The word reliable describes me well because I am a very consistent person, both academically and socially. I take my studies very seriously, and in regards to the social aspect, I try to provide for those in need. I believe reliability is a very important quality to have because it not only proves that I am stable with my life, but also when the time is important, dependability is crucial. The last word - relentless, is probably the best of the three words to describe myself. I have never given up on anything in my entire life. Also, being able to attend college is very valuable because I want to succeed in life, and obtaining a degree sets me up for the best potential. Pursuing a higher education is the most valuable decision I made.