Oklahoma Baptist University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Oklahoma Baptist University know before they start?


I would tell myelf that this is not going to be easy, however you can do it! Continually surround yourself with good influences and positive people. Stay proactive and do not let an event, teacher, or coach get you down on life or get in the way of you getting your stuff done. People are going to get under your skin and college is such a learning experience when it comes to learning how to communicate with people in society. Also, remember to always do your best at all times for education is not something that you don't pay for to just get through. Take advantage of the hard times and relish in your successful times. For getting an education is an opportunity that most do not get to have. It goes by fast so make the moment of every experience, learn from your mistakes, and savor the laughs. Follow your heart and make sure you study something that makes you happy. Lastly good luck!


Be open! College can be the place where you discover so many new things about yourself that you love and some that you need to work on, or it can be a place that makes you feel small and uncomfortable and unhappy. Don't even worry about fitting in, everyone else coming to OBU is in the EXACT same boat you are; they don't know many people (if any) either, and they are just as nervous about meeting new people and adjusting to a new way of life. Simply go talk to them. Put yourself out there; join up in some clubs you think are worthwhile. Studying is something you will really need to work on. Trust me, I saw you in high school, and you need to work on it. You can succeed in so many ways here if you just open yourself to the idea that everything, even our faith, plays into your academic journey in a way you have probably never thought of before. There is knowledge to be known and mastered, and people to be befriended and loved; maybe even a REALLY special someone! I know you can do it, just give everything you have.


Keep striving. Go to OBU


Don't be so prideful. In the next four years, you will have a much better experience if you realize that you don't hold all of the answers. Come into this experience and one who is thankful and open-minded. Seek learning before it finds you the hard way. These are about to be the best four years of your life. Approach them with the mindset that will allow you to get the most out of them. Let it shape who you already are into a more complete person. Study hard! You're going to need it, even if you didn't in high school. But it's worth it. Here you will learn things that you never knew to question. I hope you enjoy the journey.


look for a college that doesn't appeal to because it is large or because it is small, or because it is well know or world renowned in a field of study. Pick a college that has a sense of community and that appeals to your heart. This is the most important thing in choosing a college. If you don't feel connection to the campus you live on and the other students and faculty you are surrounded by then you will not be as able to learn.


Remember to look for a school that offers a program that will allow you to explore your passions, and makes you feel as comfortable as possible away from home.


Inidividual traits and desires provide the basis for delineating between innumerable college options. Students should evaluate their personal needs and skill sets to find an academically challenging university that will foster their growth. Limiting factors such as budgetary constraints, or opposing value systems need to be accounted for to finalize the decision. The campus culture is of utmost importance regarding overall happiness, as belongingness is a vital human need. Many adolescents develop and grow immensely during their tenure at an institution, which may lead to transferring to another postsecondary institution. Therefore, school choices should involve painstaking analysis, but not viewed as an unchangeable conclusion. Combining the aforementioned factors is the most favorable process to a satisfying college experience. When students arrive at the desired institution, they should take advantage of the bevy of facilities surrounding them, as well as the opportunity to interact with the diverse personalities of their colleagues. The learning process is a lifelong endeavor that is shaped through both formal teaching and peer interaction. By becoming a leader in the campus community through your selfless action and devotion to compassionate understanding, you may find yourself rejoicing in the enlightening transformation a life of service and leadership offers.


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I would tell parents/students to look for a college that offers majors that you are interested in pursuing--just in case you decide to change majors, other majors at that school are still interesting to you. Also, choose one that has activities that you enjoy. For me, I love cross country and track, so, that was a big deal for me. Make campus visits and talk to as many people as you can; hear their story, gain insight from them about the school, and drill them with ANY questions you have. To make the most of the college experience get involved! Whether its with a team, club, or voluteer group, do something! Be focused on your academics so you can get good grades and hopefully get a great job but, find (experiment with) the right balance between school work and social activites. Do fun things with friends (movies, get togethers, shopping, coffee chats, etc) can enhance your experience because you learn about each other and they can open your eyes to new things. Also, every once and a while, go chat with your professors--they really do care about you, and they have GREAT advice!


For parents I would say to let your child go and expierence life as an adult. Offer them help and love but let them make their own mistakes. For the students I would say to be responsible. College is not about parting, but about finding out who you are. Take advantage of that.