Make sure you visit the school and sit in on a lecture or two. Ask every question you can possibly think of. Don't let finances interfere with the decision.
Check out a lot of different schools. Make sure you visit all of them and make a check list of what you want. Slowly narrow your choices down.
look for a community you fit into not a school that will help you go far, because with the right community you can excel.
Students should consider the end result when selecting your college. What do you hope to achieve after graduation? College is a fun and exciting time, but remember that you're going to get an education and to make yourself marketable in your field. Your college or university must prepare you to be successful in your field of study and must also have a good reputation as producing educated graduates.
Parents need to think about their child's education as an investment. Loan debt should be kept as minimal as possible, but it is something that will increase the student's earning power so some debt is not outrageous. On the other hand, too much debt is not a good thing either. The field of study is a factor when trying to determine how much debt is too much. How much will the student earn upon graduation?
Finally, I think families should pray about the decision. College choice is one of the major decisions a person makes and it can have a drastic effect on the rest of the student's life.
The value of your education should not be determined solely by the price of the education. Although financial aid is very important in determining where to go to school, the environment, community, and education are far more important! Take the time to visit the school and thoroughly investigate what each school has to offer. Once in college, don't go home. Spend time getting to know people and getting involved. This is where you will meet your life long friends!! Enjoy your college experience!
Finding the right college can be a challenge, because the choice can easily determine the path (including job, friends, and spouse) a person will travel for many years to come. It is also the first big step a student must take alone, often separated from high school friends and family. The best advice for making this choice consists of searching for a place that will both push its students outside of their comfort zone and provide guidance and support at the same time. Education is a privilege, and its acquisition is accompanied by responsibility. Colleges aim to prepare and equip the future leaders and workers who eventually must replace those reaching retirement. The process of growing and being shaped into people able to fill those roles is vital, and a college should provide the right environment for that development to occur. College also involves expanding socially, so a place that encourages fun with friends as well as community service is important.
College is all about learning to balance the different aspects of life (school, friends, work, service) and to deal with stress effectively. Invest in each sphere rather than in just one, and the experience will be greatly enriched.
Go where you want to go, be who you want to be!
Go where you fell led and not where your parents want you to go. OBU was way out of my price range since I am paying for my college education on my own. But, I would not change coming here for a second. I am surrounded by professors who geniunely care about me and my future. I have made amazing friends that I will have for the rest of my life. OBU did not seem practical but I am thankful that I decided to come here because its definitely where God has placed me for this time in my life.
My advice is to go to the college/university that you want to go to no matter how much it costs. I know college is expensive and you don't want to go loan crazy but it is much better to go to a college that you like than to settle for the one that you don't like just because it's cheaper. Trust me, I learned the hard way; I went to the cheaper university and waisted my money because it was not challenging at all - it was easier than high school. And then I finally decided to go to where I wanted to go in the first place and I love it.! Yes, there are a few things that I don't like about it but it's definately better than where I was.
Focus on academics in your choice. Look at where the school is in conjunction with your home, and how far you are willing to travel. I would say don't be afraid of new things or new people. Try to get involved and want to learn and grow in more than just academics.