Oklahoma City Community College Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Oklahoma City Community College?


The most frustrating thing about school is that sometimes this school has alot of ups and downs, many teachers at the beginning of the semester are not very organized, not themselves but the school itself. Many teachers get frustrated because their are many places that they teach and yet each and every school is different in their policies. Also, the assisting faculty, ie. admissions, financial aid especially seem to not have an idea of what they need to know.


The most frustrating thing about my school would be 'paying for it'. It is beneficial that the available Financial Aid is not greatly broadcasted for my benefit. Other students have their parents wielding them by the hand through college, taking care of their student loans, and throwing scholarship paperwork at them. I, on the otherhand, am starving for knowledge and the chance to attend college without financial strife. This is not easy on your own, and College Advisors at my school don't realize they are the only guidance I have got.


The most frustrating thing about OCCC is trying to communicate with the financial aid department. They employ students to run the front desk and if you have any issue besides the most popular... it is a nightmare to try to get one of the upper level employees to step out of their office to give you the time of day to answer your questions.