The academics are really good because of the good professors and always around campus when needed for consultations, good well equipped library, and the wonderful tutoring programs.
I have struggle grade wise a little bit, but overall I have done well.
Challenging in a great way!
Academics vary from class to class. Honors classes are nearly always based heavily in discussion, encouraging creative thinking and paper writing. Regular classes are usually far fewer than 200 students. Even those basic lecture courses in which there are hundreds of students have professors whose office hours can be used to answer any questions. I have never had a professor act negatively toward me in office hours. The worst class I have had was my Calculus 3 course in which my professor did not speak English well and worked few examples. However, he was really great in his office hours if I really got stuck. My Chemistry class was especially hard also because my professor considered this course a weed out class. He was condescending and sarcastic all semester until the last day of class. Then, he confessed that we were the best class he had in the 8 years he taught the course.
As an Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering double major with a minor in leadership, I take a lot of technical courses that don't have a lot of application to what I really am interested in: flight. I was thrilled to find out that, after emailing the department head as a freshman, he was willing to pair me up with a graduate assistant to get some hands on experience. OSU is one of the leading research universities for microgravity research and unmanned aerovehicle research. The college I'm in, which encompasses Engineering, Architecture, and Technology, has a 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} job placement rate upon graduation. So OSU is about learning all you can but, in the end, getting their students hired.
Class sizes at OSU are relatively small. Some of the general education courses can be fairly challenging, but even in the larger classes, professors are always willing to help if you will make the effort. I am an agriculture major, and I have been so impressed with my classes and educators. I study fairly often, but not too terribly much and I still have plenty of time for social activities. It is definitely a focus of OSU to prepare you for the future workforce.
OSU is very diverse in what it boasts as its best programs... we have a great programs in agriculture, medicine, and design. The professors overall are helpful and friendly, and the classes can be really interesting and fun.
My experience of academics has been great. Most of the professors here get to know each student and learn every ones name. They are all very helpful and supportive of each student and they want each student to succeed. Therefore, they offer help and office hours at any time. I do make a point to meet with my professors so they can put a face to a name, it helps alot when it comes to help with an assignment. I study for all of my classes because there isn't much homework to turn it, it is reading and test and/or quizzes. Oklahoma State puts all their effort and time to help any student graduate on time and with the most successful education for the real world.
Like many universities, when you start out you will be in the large lecture halls taking general education courses. However, at OSU once you start taking classes in your major, you will see your class sizes shrink considerably, giving you the personalized attention you need to succeed. Professors are always easily accessible and knowledgeable about their subjects. There are numerous resources to help you in your academics, as well as services for preparing for your career post-graduation.
The acedemics are excellent. I'm pre-med and feel like once I graduate, I would succeed easily in Med school. Many of the professors really want the students to do well and will do most anything in their power to help the students. The TA's are all very helpful as well. Students are competitive, but that only makes it a more acedemic geared environment. Many of the students I have spoken with are getting degrees from OSU to go on to Grad school which makes me feel like OSU is geared toward preparing students for life oustide of the undergrad classroom and beyond.
One crazy thing about OK State is that the professors here strive to get to know your name. I have been in classes that range in size from 18-203 students. Even the professor that had the 203 student class called each and everyone of us by name when the semester is over. So far every one of the professors I have had here at OSU has made a point to get to know the students. Class participation by the student definitely helps the professor get to know you. Most people here at OSU, especially the adult students, participate in class each and every opportunity they get. We know that by participating, we are ensuring a better semester in that class than if we were to not engage ourselves at all. I do almost all of my studying in group sessions in my dorm. We ensure that everyone understands the material at hand before we finish, helping improve everyones grades. And outside of studying, my floor loves to socialize. We are almost always in the living area talking about some hot topic in the energy industry, presidential decisions, and even foreign policy.
OSU is right in the middle of the board for class size. On some classes, like Intro Biology, General Chemistry, or General Physics, you'll be in a huge auditorium, and the only way you'll know your professor (and him or her know you) is if you make an effort to go talk to him or her (this is STRONGLY encouraged anyway). But others can be tiny, especially as you get into your area of focus. Also, I'm in the honor's college, so I get to pick classes that are required to have a small size. In these classes, the professor knows your name, and usually more about you than your GPA or writing style. One honors seminar, Magical Ring Allegories, is my favorite class (so far) because it's a small group talking about stories in western history about rings (think Tolkien). On the other hand, my least favorite class was General Chemistry, because I had a very large class, and this was before I realized that I needed to make the effort to get to know my professor. Class participation depends on the course. For example, my Magical Ring Allegories requires class discussion, and it may frequently continue among students after the class is over. The larger lecture style courses have less discussion, although other participation is encouraged, like in class quizzes. Students can be quite competitive in these classes, especially to be noticed by professors, but I find that the best way to get noticed is to go during office hours to speak with the professor one on one. This way I get a better idea of what's required and encouraged within each course.
OSU is right in the middle of the board for class size. On some classes, like Intro Biology, General Chemistry, or General Physics, you'll be in a huge auditorium, and the only way you'll know your professor (and him or her know you) is if you make an effort to go talk to him or her (this is STRONGLY encouraged anyway). But others can be tiny, especially as you get into your area of focus. Also, I'm in the honor's college, so I get to pick classes that are required to have a small size. In these classes, the professor knows your name, and usually more about you than your GPA or writing style. One honors seminar, Magical Ring Allegories, is my favorite class (so far) because it's a small group talking about stories in western history about rings (think Tolkien). On the other hand, my least favorite class was General Chemistry, because I had a very large class, and this was before I realized that I needed to make the effort to get to know my professor. Class participation depends on the course. For example, my Magical Ring Allegories requires class discussion, and it may frequently continue among students after the class is over. The larger lecture style courses have less discussion, although other participation is encouraged, like in class quizzes. Students can be quite competitive in these classes, especially to be noticed by professors, but I find that the best way to get noticed is to go during office hours to speak with the professor one on one. This way I get a better idea of what's required and encouraged within each course.
Many of the good professors try to learn the names of all of their students' names. There is adequate class participation which is generally optional so no one is put on the spot. Many student are constantly competing to attain higher grades than their peers. I am in the Animal Scence department. The professors in this department are excellent. They truly care about the success of their student.
Myself having a double major in Animal Science and Agricultural Communications. All the professors within those two departments know my name and a little something about my background. It's very welcoming and I never have the feeling that I am alone or have no one to talk to. The professors are always free to answer questions and help in whatever aspect that best suits the student. My favorite classes include the Agricultural Communications writing classes, the social media class, photography class, and the web and layout classes. I think that all of these class are very unique, the most different or exclusive class to the communication major at Oklahoma State, I think is the social media class. Within this class you are exposed to many kinds of social media outlets and taught now to present a positive image of Agriculture through using these many outlets. I think that the academic requirements these two majors are very specific and necessary to gain the complete knowledge to help you in any job within the major. The classes also help you to become a better, well-rounded individual. One thing that Oklahoma State University really stresses is that there are many opportunities out there, so don't be afraid to try new things and expand your horizons.
Classes at OSU are extremely engaging and interesting. Professors truly care about your success and will do anything to help you do good in their courses. Most courses have class discussion in which you and your fellow classmates get to share your own personal experiences and views. Education at OSU is more than just coursework, it's also geared a lot towards professional development for your future career.
I'm an engineering student so I find the academics challenging but very good. Most of my professors do know my name, but I make the effort to make sure they do. My group of friends us very hardworking. We combine our social and academic lives so that we play, work, and succeed together.