The amount of orange you see around campus, especially at the football and basketball games. And the dedicated fans. I have never seen that many people wearing the color orange at one time- it is mind blowing in a way. Crazy cool perhaps.
Oklahoma State University is probably the most friendly campus in the US. Everyone on campus is always willing to help you out with anything. On campus it feels like everyone is a huge family and were all working together to succeed. We all want each other to do well and do whatever it takes to help each other get there.
I brag about how beautiful the campus is and what a great education I am receiving. I have loved all of my classes that I have taken so far. I have really gotten interested in all that I have taken.
That Stillwater was built around the school, which is in the center of town. If you go to Oklahoma State University, you get the benefit of a small town community with a large nationally recognized university with a variety of academic programs. The facilities are state of the art thanks to generous boosters and donors, who also provide many scholarship opportunities for students. Also, there are many programs and events for students to participate in.
The teachers are awsome and everyone on campus are will in to help one another.
The campus is really nice. and OSU provides with with a ton of awesome resources
Our football team. And our school spirit. We love our teams, and we have a great community here.
Nerd clubs! It's not a bad thing at all. Video games, anime, art, literature, whatever! In highschool (and even middle or elementary), I was interested in cartoons and gaming, while everyone else liked sports. Here there are clubs for all interests! Clubs for martial arts, movies, and even ethnicites! And they are welcoming to new members. Events, such as LAN parties, movies, and dances, are held on campus all the time by different clubs. If you're bored here, it's because you haven't left your dorm room!
How beautiful the campus is, how comfortable the campus is and how amazing the people on campus are.
The campus is really beautiful; the students, faculty, and staff are all super friendly; and most of all the professors are really approachable. Our Saturday gameday experience will absolutely give you goosebumps.
When I tell my friends about my school, I brag the most about the atmosphere of the university and the friendliness of the people who attend it. I find everyone on campus at my school to be very nice and helpful when I need it, and I am always as helpful as I can be when I am asked questions by others. The atmosphere of Stillwater and OSU is a great one that I am so happy and proud to be a part of, and it is definitely my favorite part about the school.
Everyone is really friendly on campus and around town. If you could close your eyes and picture the ideal college campus, you would picture Oklahoma State. Not only is the campus beautiful and user-friendly but the town of Stillwater is the perfect setting for a college. Being so small, the town has really adapted the college into it's personality and you constantly feel surrounded by people your age and in your position.
Spirit. The entire campus is filled completely with traditions & spirit in ever corner of campus and the surrounding area. The school has so much deep history & such dedication to the school & continuing the traditions & reputation it has been long invested in building. Words cannot descirbe the feeling I get when the entire stadium is screaming ORANGE! POWER! & the feeling i get during homecoming walkarounds & seeing the deep passion for the school that the greek community has and the effort they put forth from the first day of school to build the house decs to show that immense spirit.
Oklahoma State University's College of Agriculture is one of the premier agricultural colleges in the nation. It offers a wide range of agricultural studies from animal science to entomology, and agricultural communications to plant sciences. The advisor's have an open door policy and are always available to assist the students with any problems they may have.
Simply put, I don't. I'm thankful I only have about a year left so that I can be done and get away from this place. The truth is harsh, but it is what it is.
I brag about all the different organizations and events that are always going on our campus. There are always tons of things to do throughout the school year.
The campus is easily accessible and the town around it has enough accomodations to fit most anyone's needs.
Having come from an agricultural background, the thing that I tend to brag about the most about my enrollment here at Oklahoma State University is their superb agricultural college. One of the best in the world, this college provides not only excellent academics but also one-on-one time with professors and advisors and a vast array of resources available to you at all times. It is this excellent college that resulted in my choosing of Oklahoma State University for my higher education needs.
it is the best agricultural school in the nation
They amount of indivudal and group tutoring you receive around the campus for free depending on your major and class schedule. For upper division classes, indivudal tutoring is provided on a need basis depending on your GPA. Depending on your major, some on campus dorms have living learning communities were you can live with students that go to the same academic college as you while building a releationship with people you will see throughout your college experience. The Student Union on campus is the largest student union in the country, and is the hangout spot for new students to meet.