Make sure you are open to meet new people that you will probably know for the rest of your life. While not all of them will be your best friend, they will be people you see later on and probably quite often. Be willing to network, sometimes the old addage is true, "its not what you know, its who you know". This doesn't mean you are using people, you are building report to show that later on you are qualified and can personally relate to them.
I would say to them go and meet the people on campuss. just from talking with a few students you will know everytrhing abput campuss and the life around it. Also you should meet a few professors. Talk with them see how you might fit in with their way of teaching. You should also go and explore the life outside of the campuss. There may or may not be anything off campuyss to do. this could be a good or bad thig depending upon what you prefer. most importantly I would say to a student looking for a college that they should sit on the internet and look up every bit of information about that school and the sourounding communities.
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The advice I would give to the students are that they should make the decision based on what they want their college experience to be about. They should look at all options to make sure the decision is the right one. Get prepared early on filling out scholarships and grants. Make sure your comfortable on the campus, and don't be afraid to step out and make friends.
I would tell the parents to be supportive of their childs life changing experience.
No matter whether you think a college is the right fit for you or not, make a campus visit. You definitely get a feel for the atmosphere on campus and the general attitude of the students. I originally intended to attend the University of Oklahoma, but after I made a visit to the campus, if was definitely not where I wanted to go. I'm sure it's a good school, but it wasn't for me. It wasn't academics or the quality of education that turned me away, but the atmosphere on campus. I just couldn't see myself going there for four years. So the next day, when I visited Oklahoma State, which I visited just because I had a free Saturday, I was blown away by the complete difference in atmosphere. Within five minutes of being on campus, I had decided that this was where I wanted to go to college. The atmosphere just agreed with me completely, and I knew it was the school for me. The campus visit is, in my opinion, the best way to decide between schools that are right for you and those that are not.