The fact that a student's tuition doesn't necessarily go toward their field of study. One-fourth of students are engineers, yet over one-half of all student funds go toward supporting the engineering department. On the other hand, half of the students are liberal arts majors, yet their individual colleges receive less than one-fourth of student funds, causing many essential programs to be cut, or turn forcing many liberal arts students to have to wait several terms to get into a class they need for a major or minor.
the weekends aren't to fun, if only there were moer events on campus during that time more students would stay on campus.
Alcohol causes you to loosen up at a party and allows you to do things you normally wouldn't do. This is a bad thing because it can cause you to do things that you will regret doing. You'll wake up and won't even know what happened.
Lack of late night food venues, efficient parking spots.
The worst thing about my school is that the town it is located in is very small and at times there is little to do.
too much partying going on.
I believe the worst thing about my school is the large emphasis on the greek life. The people that are invloved in the greek system at my school act as though they have all the power. If you are not part of a fraternity or sorority it becomes much more difficult to meet people and I just find that diffuclt. It is harder to form a social neetwork of people if you are not in someway attached to that system, and that really bothers me.
The worst thing about Oregon State University is the cost of textbooks. Thankfully, many of the professors in the College of Forestry do not require students to buy all the textbooks suggested for each term. In fact, some professors of whom have written the literature themselves, offer digital copies of the required readings at no charge. In the future, I think that digital material should be more widely available so as to cut student costs and and keep the publishers and bookstores from taking advantage of students. In addition, digital material would decrease campus reliance on paper products.
The worst thing about school is the drinking. About 3 days a week you will find the majority of students at a partry.
I think that OSU is often written off as a "party school," but I think people forget that the relationships they make there are founded in so many things other than partying. People do get out of control, and I think that there are students who may give the university a bad name, but a lot of the students are focused and just want to enjoy their time at school. However, the town of Corvallis is small so sometimes students may feel limited and that can be an issue sometimes.