As a high school senior I was wide eyed and anticipatory to what lay ahead of me. I saw the road to my future paved with the orange of Oregon State University, but beyond that I could pretty much throw a rock as far as I could predict where my life would end up. One thing I was absolutely sure of however was that I was going to work harder than anyone else to get to where that rock eventually fell. If I had the chance to travel back and talk to an impressionable 17-year-old me I would have only one thing to say; don?t ever stop running. You may hit many walls on your journey, but if you lower your head and work you can always find the crack of light that shows a way out. Nothing about life is easy; nor is it impossible. To believe that you cannot do it is to succumb to mediocrity, and to succumb to that dark fact is to sell yourself short.
The advise I would give to the senior me is not to get discouraged by the cost of the school and just go for it. Have fun, make friends and just forget about high school. College is so vastly different and so are the people. The transition is not hard, you have been waiting for this for years. Do not be like most freshmen. Oh and study more for your first midterm in political science.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself my senior year my biggest piece of advice would be to push myself just a little harder. The hardest thing this first year of school was coming in with an already low GPA due to getting some C's in some of my AP and honors classes. Looking back if I would have pushed myself just enough to get say a B in math 251 I would have saved myself 4 credits and a big headache. The same goes with Chemistry, because I didnt push myself I now have to get A's in Organic Chemistry and Bio-Chemistry to prove I understand Chemistry; if not I will have to go back and re-take all my Chemistry. If I would have known this in High School I am sure I would have driven myself that tiny bit extra to save myself the low GPA and stress I am dealing with now.
College is an exciting place where you're on your own and are an adult without all the rules you had in high school. Take advantage of that fact and have some fun. You are only in college once and so make the most of it. Join clubs and organizations, go on trips, study abroad, and live life to the fullest. Don't forget about the academics though. You are there to get an education and although you may not think so when you start graduate programs may become a goal later and screwing around in classes freshman year can cause you to pay later. Have fun, but don't forget why you are there. I also reccommend doing a service trip one spring break. Taking a week to give back to the community is rewarding. You meet new friends and are exposed to different ways that you can help others. The main point is enjoy this time because it only happens once and goes by quicker than you think, get connected and join an organization that has whatever you are interested in, and don't forget to study becuase you'll be kicking yourself later if you don't.
If I could go back in time I would tell myself to stay in hawaii for 2 years and get my pre-requisites finished before i come up to Oregon. That way i don't waste a year of my parents money paying for out-of-state tuition. I am now behind a year in school because i wasn't in the correct classes i was supposed to be in for a freshman. I was taking all these lower division courses. If i stayed in Hawaii i could have taken those classes and stayed there for two years and then go to Oregon to get my bachelor's degree. I also would have applied to more scholarships because now with the economy being so bad my parents having 3 kids is hard for them especially when my parents never went to college. I would also tell myself that freshman year of college is different, there is a big change, college its definiately NOT like high school! it's worse!!
Hey, I know your excited about finally being out on your own and finding out who you really are, I just want to say be careful. You get to meet new people but even though they may seem like your best friend, you should get to know them real well before you do anything important with them. That kind of goes with the whole roommate situation. Having a roommate has it's ups and downs. You could get lucky and get a chill roomie, or you could get a roommate that is so polar opposite of you that it will make your life miserable. College is all about adjustment, you share a room, not a house a room with somebody else, your classes are nothing like high school has ever set you up for. No more classes with 30 kids, now it's like 300 and it is sometimes dull, but don't get sidetracked or you will fall behind. So start off with your first term making the highest grades possible, that way later on if you do get sidetracked you have a bit of leeway with your gpa. Have fun and get involved, and always use your head.
Hey Tiffany,
I know you're all excited about starting a new life at Oregon State University. It's going to be great I promise. You're gonna have some struggles, I'm not gonna lie but in the end its worth it. I could sit here and tell you what your gonna experience and what you should and shouldn't do, but then it wouldn't be the same. You would already know what to expect and wouldn't learn from any of your mistakes. Always remember that everything happens for a reason. Don't beat yourself up over every mistake, look at them as learning experiences. If you do that you're college experience will be more than just an education. The things you learn and the people you will meet are going to make it an amazing adventure. Learn, Live, Grow, and Love who you are.
Sincerely a wiser and older you,
Tiffany Schmidt
If I could go back it high school and give myself some advice it would be pretty simple, GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER! If I could go back and only tell myself on thing it would be to work of my note taking abilities. Everything that you do in college relies on your ability to take good notes and study them well. I would also tell myself to work on studying and my test taking ability. When in college your grade usually depends on just a couple exams. Another thing I would tell myself is to visit more college before deciding where to go. I went in only considering one college; I wish I would have looked at more schools. And the last thing that I would tell myself if to have fun and realize that you only go to high school once (well most of us do!). And take in the whole experience it?s a wonderful thing and have fun well looking at colleges. All colleges have positives and negatives!
Work hard and do well in classes. Don't spend too much money. Enjoy the last few terms because a year later you will miss it. Be proud.
I would tell myself to stay focused more my freshman year, because it is a vital time for meeting people and developing as a person. I would also tell myself to continue to stay active in sports and other recreational activities. I would tell myself to stay true to my faith through all of the hardships, because in the end that is all that really matters. Finally, I would reasure myself about choosing Oregon State as my choicem becasue it has turned out to be an amazing experience, and many oportunities have been made available to me because I go here.