Oregon State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Oregon State University know before they start?


I would tell students that they need to make sure that the environment they are going to be living in is acceptable to them. Such as sunny, windy, rainy, snowy, etc... some of these may determine what types of activities and recreational sports they can participate in and hang out with other students.


The best advice I can offer prospective college students is to do what feels right to you. Don't make your decisions based on what your parents or your friends want, but what you ultimately feel to be the best decision. A lot of students feel pressured to do what their parents want in terms of choosing a college and a major. It can be difficult, but in the end these decisions are going to impact your life far more than theirs; you need to do what's right for you, even if it's not exactly what your parents had in mind. The college that's best for you might not be the most prestigious one you get accepted to. It might not be your parents' alma mater, or the one all your friends are going to. But the most important thing to consider when you're deciding where to go is YOU. How do you feel about the school? Are you ready to live in a big city, or a small college town? Do you feel like you would fit in at this school? Choose the best fit for you, no matter what you feel pressured to choose.


The advice I would give parents is to allow their children a little alone time after they get to college. Many times students go through a period of loneliness after they arrive at college. It's ok for students to experience this loneliness! The first few weeks of college is the time when many students break out of their shells and start to learn who they are and the strength they posses. However if a parent hovers too closely, this unique opportunity the student has could be missed due to a parent swooping in and rescuing the child. Barring any serious depression or loneliness, the most helpful role the parent can play is to be an encourager and listener as their child grows and acclimates to this new environment. So, parents: Step back, take a deep breath, and watch your child become the mature and independent adult you knew they could be!


Here is what I have found in my time so far at OSU: It is so important to be happy when choosing a college, so go with your gut feeling. If you feel like the school is too big, but your father went there so you need to go there too, you will just end up defeating yourself and not enjoying your time there. Make a decision based on what you want and need. Take time to explore and understand the college and the kind of lifestyle it entails. College is all about finding yourself, and the only way to do that is to do exactly what you want, what makes you happy, and what will help you succeed. While you are in college, make sure you stay true to yourself and surround yourself with people that will make you happy and help you feel good about yourself. College can be a trying time, but if you feel alright and at ease about your surroundings, peers and classes it will be so much easier and enjoyable.


The "college years" have been described as the best time of your life. In order to make the overall experience the best, I would not choose a school based only on the educational options that interest you. I believe that schools that have the best tools, academic support, and available experiences produce not only a well-educated person but an understanding, committed individual. Schools that offer classes studying other cultures provide a student with a greater understanding of all the people they will encounter later in life. When choosing a college I would carefully explore the recreational options. Are there classes and facilities that promote activities you are interested in? Find out if the school offers clubs you would actually participate in. Ask yourself if the school has comfortable and affordable living situations not forgetting the cost of food and laundry. Also what is important is whether or not there is food you would enjoy available on or near campus. The best way to enjoy your college experience is to get involved in the school activities or groups. Find a good balance of studying and having fun and you will enjoy both so much more.


I would say that a student really needs to research and go visit the colleges that they apply to. It's all about compatibility when choosing a college to attend. One needs to keep in mind that it's going to be the next two to four years of one's life. It's a hard transition to go to college, so it needs to be a careful decision. A student needs to think about all different aspects that will apply to their future college life. Transportation needs, sports, academic levels, and food store needs. It needs to be selected based on your own personal wants and desires. Making the most of your college experience is all about being open to new experiences and seizing all the opportunities that comes your way, without compromising your own values. College is all about discovering who you truely are and what things make you happy. Being open to new experiences gives you a chance to not onlylearn about other people and experiences around you, but most importantly, it gives you an opportunity to learn about youself as an individual. Always keep in mind that both school and social life needs to be inbalance.


I would suggest to parents and students to scope out every college you've ever considered going to in order to get a good idea on what kind of campus the student will like. Some students will prefer a college that has access to a bigger nightlife or a large campus and then there's ones that are more small and community based. The students should also spend a day with a college student so they can get a feel for what it would be like there if they went there, to see the quad, cafeteria, classrooms, and dorms. I would also check out the services they provide to students and the ease of accessibility. The most important aspect is to find a school that will fit your budget and give you a satisfactory amount of finanical aid so the student can focus on school and not money problems.




Utilize community colleges during high school. The more credits you can take into college the better off you'll be! And you really can't know until you're there, so make sure you stick it out and stay through at least two terms! Get involved.


The first thing is to go where you feel at home! As soon as I stepped on the OSU campus, I knew it would be the place where I would have the greatest chance for success. Next is to get involved, while also learning to balance all of your duties. Your duty as a student is your academics, meeting great life long friends, and taking advantage of all the awesome things going on around you on campus and in the community. For example, my sorority has helped me stay focused between holding mandatory study sessions, as well as making community service a priority. Meet as many people as you can, especially your professors. It is important to stand out and introduce yourself, as well as getting all the knowledge you can from them. They are there for you and if you are paying to be there, get the most for your money. Basically make your new campus, (and the library) your home away from home. Live everyday to the fullest and remember the hard work now will pay off in your future! You only get to go through college once, so make all the memories you can!