Oregon State University Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Oregon State University?


The wheather is not the most desirable at certain points in the year.


Signing up for classes can be the most annoying thing if you dont do it right when you are able to!


The cost of attending for out of state students. It causes me quite a bit of stress throughout the year which puts strain on my grades.


Class size, professor access, and the ablity to get from one class to the next without walking a mile in the rain.


My school has a hard time being welcoming to University of Oregon students during the weekend of the Civil War. I understand there are many school rivalries but I would much rather be see a altruistic good game rather than see hatred for the opponent.


Too many students. Professors concerned more about personal research than teaching. Their open mindedness is very closed off.


Insensitivities to race/culture.


The engineering program is designed to eliminate students even after they're over halfway through the cirriculum.


Many of the colleges are not given the amount of funding they need. Certain departments such as foreign language, philosophy and other colleges are placed in run down buildings and not given proper funding.


Campus is large and can be difficult to make it to classes on time if they are at opposite ends of campus.