Oregon State University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


What class would help prepair me for my major.


That I could never get in resident tuition


I wish I would've known how noisy campus can be. I lived on-campus housing for my first year and the dorms were just crazy and loud at night. I could barely sleep. Most of the time there was no alcohol. They stayed up late and talked and played games. If I would've known how loud it was going to be, I would perhaps have chosen to live off-campus in an apartment.


That I should have taken some classes at a community college for a smaller classroom setting as well as the cheaper tuition.


I wish I had known a little more about college life in general-- how to find a job, how to choose classes or a major, how to budget my time and money. It's hard to jump into a lifestyle that's entirely different from what you're used to, but I think that everyone goes through that at first.


I wish I had known how much I would end up loving it!


I wish I had known how financial aid worked and I would've been smarter about loans.


how to read a text book


Before I came to Oregon State University, I wish I would have known how dead it is on the weekends. Also, I wish I would have known how focused students were on their entertainment over schooling. I wish I would have known how rude people are and that they do not want to make new friends.


More information about financial aid and how I was going to pay for my education. Also I wish I had known more about the class sizes and teacher student interaction.