Ouachita Baptist University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish that I would have known more about which professors to take and which classes would be best for my major. Sometimes it is hard to understand exactly what needs to be taken during different semesters and freshmen do not seem to get a lot of help from their advisors. I also wish I would have known how to study better. I remember studying in high school but it was definitely nothing like what it is in college.


How absolutly amazing everyone of these hand picked professors are and how personal and encouraging they are towards their students to do their best on every assignment and learn all that they possible can. If I would have known that I would learn and be encouraged so much then I would not have thought twice about coming to this University


Prior to coming to Ouachita I wish I would have known all of the major and minor opportunities available and taken advantage of the prospective student days they offer.


I really wish I would have known what kind of stuff was available to me outside of school activities. In our smalltown there is just a Wal-mart and a cracker barrel and we have to drive quite a ways to go to the movies or eat out.


How to work harder on my education. How to have the mindset I have now about grasping this important opportunity.


I wish that I had known that the school treats you as though you are a child and they are the parent.