Ozarks Technical Community College Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Ozarks Technical Community College?

Ronald Antonini

The cost of my school is very student friendly. lt is among the schools with the lowest tuition rates in the State of Missouri. Besides its low cost, professors in general are friendly and an interaction with them is very plausible, if you are willing to. The classes are fairly small ranging from 15 to 30 students per class. And last, but certainly not least, there are great resources on campus that will help you succeed in college no matter if it is hard or easy for you to do well in school.


I would tell my friends that school would give me a better career. The professors wouldhave to be considerate, understanding and very helpful in answering any questions that the students have.


The best thing about Ozark Technical Community College is that the classes are small and the teachers care about your education. The school provides free tutoring which has really helped me with classes, such as algebra, in which I struggle. The school is also close to my home and it's a short commute to school.


I tell my friends of out Professors, no matter how large or small the class my teachers always have time to help the students. They are very caring and try to help everybody no matter what age, sex, or ethnicity succeed.