Park University Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend Park University?


I don't think there is any kind of person who should not attend this school. Park University is a very diverse school. We have students from all over the world, with different views, cultures and backgrounds. Even though this is the case, everyone as a whole seems to get along very well. It really feels like we are a little community here and we all try to help each other out when we can. Everyone seems to be very friendly and accepting of others, even if they are different.


A person that isn't open to experiencing different cultures and races everywhere you look. As well as someone that isn't fully committed to attending a high level of education. College is not about partying, and Park University is very set on that. It's a place to learn and each professor takes attendance and will drop you from a class if you miss too many classes. So, if you are not totally into school and wanting to further your education, Park is not for you.


The kind of person that shouldn't attend Park University is one that doesn't want to seek advancement in their career and in their service level to the community. I had the great pleasur eof meeting numerous people from all around the country. Also, I had the pleasure of talking with many men and women that served in our nations Armed Forces that were seeking an education for a better future for themselfves, their families, and the communities they serve.


You should not participate in online classes if you are not familiar with the computer.


If you want to have the ultimate college experience don't go to Park. There is no football team which many people enjoy having. The camous is very small and you have to live on campus until you're twenty-one unless you live with your parents.


The kind of student that should not attend Park University is a student that does not want to excel. A student that does not want to go places in life. Park University has helped me get closer to my final education goal of a Master's in Nursing. I am on my way to getting my BS now and am close to the end. I am very happy with my school. So if you are not dedicated, please do not attend this school.


Someone who just wants to say they went to college


Career student.


One with Ideas


Overly preppy popular kids in high school. This is more of an unique, quircky school.