Park University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Park University know before they start?


Find a college that makes you feel comfortable. That makes you feel at home, that may not be where your friends are but dont worry making new friends really isnt as hard as you would think. Also having a college that has small class sizes might seem dumb but trust me youll appriciate in the future.


When an individual is considering going to college there is so much they must look into before settling. The first thing that should be looked at is the schools accreditation. A parent or student should make sure that the school has excellent accreditation for all their programs. The next thing one must make sure that they are going to study a subject that makes them happy and that whatever school they are considering offers that degree program. Also one should look into the schools activities if they are interested in sports or club organizations. No one should go to school without being sure of what they want to do or they will be in school longer than they hoped for. Another thing to consider is the location. The student and/or parent should decide how far away they would like to go to school. The last thing is the choice of the school should be the students. The student should choose a school that they want to attend. If the final choice is not the student?s then there is a possibility of unhappiness and failure.


It is important to decide all of your options before selecting the right school for you. The problem though with even doing that you may end up changing schools before you finish your degree and/or changing your intended major multiple times. It's ok not to have everything figured out right away. In fact, it's probably better that if you don't know what you want to do to start out with a liberal education that allows to take classes that interest you so that you can better be prepared to make the right decision rather than finding out later that you made the wrong one and wasted all the money trying to get there.


I would say that to find the right college, you must go to the school you plan on attending. Look at as many schools as you can because finding the right academic program that suits what your career might be is very important. Do not be lazy when looking for a college. Go out there and find out exactly what that college has to offer you both socially as well as academically. And most importantly, have fun while looking for your college. You will find that it will be easier to make your decision if you are not stressed out while doing so.


Find a college that fits you - not your friends, not your family... you. Also, I suggest a small university. There, you can get more opportunities than you might at a larger university.


One basic tip for all students is to learn how to read thier own degree audit. Do not take for granted that the advisor will always make the right choices. Know what is expected and what classes are offered. There are too many circumstances when students think that they are close to graduation only to find that they have missed a requirement or two. This can be completely avoided by knowing exactly what the degree audit means. Plus, some schools only offer certain courses at certain times. If these are required courses, the student needs to know when they have to enroll in the offered class. Some students miss the deadlines and find that they have to stay in the school longer then expected to take the required course work.


I would say to the students, don't listen to your parents. If you want to go somewhere specific don't take no for an answer. There are many ways to get financial aid and scholarships. And to parents I would say don't be so worried about the financial aspects of college. Finances should not limit where your child wants to go to school anymore.


The advice i would give the parents in helping their child(ren) in picking the right school is find something that is not to focused around frats and sororities while still letting your child(ren) be active in the college enviroment. My advice to the future students is don't let your parent(s) get overly involved in your decision making process. Find a place that offers programs you are intrested in and will help you achieve your own personal goals, even if they change.


Make sure this campus is right for you. It is full of commuters.


My advice would be to actually look into the college more, research it learn about the many different programs that are offerred what's are some of the things the school is known for? Another adivce I would give is to not go by what others tell you about the college themselves. They are either tryin to pursue you in going, while others including the person who told you about the college has not even intended college, and don't know what to expect. Making the most of your college experience would be to actually get involved in things, speak up, be known for your achievements, stand out. Make the best out of what you have, never let things such as projects, papers, quiz, or test sneak up on you, because in the end you will wish you never did!!!!!