Park University Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Park University?


The most frustrating thing about our school is probably the times the cafeteria is open. On weekends and holidays, it doesn't open for brunch until 11:30. Although a lot of college students sleep into the afternoon, most athletes have to get up for practice on Saturdays, and it makes it difficult when we cannot go get food. Also on weekends, dinner hours are from 4:30 to 6. They often start putting food away at least a half hour before it closes so you have to go early. It makes it difficult to plan around your meals.


There are limitations in communication to an online learning environment.


Our student schedule advisors aren't so great. They aren't trained in any specific majors or minors paths, so they have a hard time picking out specific classes that will be useful now and in the future for our majors.


I rarely experienced any frustrating situations whils attending Park University. There were times when I felt the professor wasn't responding to my questions quickly enough or that it was taking them too long to post my grades each week, but things happen in everyone's life - even the professor's. I learned to understand that not everyone carries the Type A personality like me. I am a workaholic and I like to get tasks accomplished as quickly as possible. It was more of myself that was more frustrating than the college's curriculum or it's personnel.


The most frustrating thing about my school is that I have to take proctored exams, and many times they schedule my finals for the exact same date and time. It is hard to take 2 finals at once.


Some of the teachers are not as dedicated to their teaching as would be expected. Due to their lack of enthusiasm it is a bit difficult to stay attentive and focused. These few teachers also are not prompt in grading which is frustrating as a student because it is helpful to be able to track your grade and see the progress made. I had a teacher last semester who didn't grade any of our numerous assignments until the very last week of semester.