Pennsylvania State University-Main Campus Top Questions

What kind of person should attend Pennsylvania State University-Main Campus?


Any kind of person that has a wide range for trying different things


Anyone can attend this university. They have a major for just about anyone.


If you like to have a balanced social and academic life you should attend this school.


The person that attends this school should be outgoing, have an open mind, and have the desire to do the best that they can do.


To be really successful it is important to ask questions and take the initiative and be the active seeker for what you want your education to be like.


Someone who wants to experience greek life or get out of the city for 4 years.


A person who is extremely outgoing, loves to meet new people, values a strong education, great work ethic, and loves life.


A focused student who wants to do well and wants to be challenged in the classroom but also wants an environment that is not entirely focused on studies. Someone who would also like to have a good social life and enjoy getting to meet and know different people from a variety of places. Also someone who is not afraid of the cold.


The person who kinda of did but didn't have their act togather in high school. You know the ones who liked high school but would not want to relive the experience. Penn State kind of gave the abilty to really figure out who I was and what I wanted to be in life.


Unfortunately, designer-bag slinging, Starbucks sipping, steroid-using fraternity or sorority students might find this place a fit for them. What Penn State desperately needs, however, is their opposite.