Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Berks Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Berks?


I do not brag to my friends about school.


I brag the most about how the professors really do care about their students and even take time to learn everyones name.


The professors really do care. I've had so many teachers who give out their cell phone and home phone numbers. They will help you not only with their class material, but any isuse you may be having outside of school. I never had a teacher who I felt uncomfortable with yet. I think it's pretty rare to find that much dedication from staff as you do at Penn State-Berks.


When i tell my friends about my school the thing i brag about the most is the foot ball team, because we do belong to Penn State. I also like to talk about the possible experience of being two years in small campus and two years in a big campus. Most students in the university spend to years at penn state berks and then move on to university park. I think that hopefully experiencing what its like to be in small campus will benifit me later, when i move on to bigger campus.


mostly the fact that its the #1 party school in the country and football.