If I could go back in time to when I was a high school senior I would have a few things to tell myself. Such as time management is a huge problem that I should have started working on during my senior year. I would also prepare myself for how different the classes and professors are. You learn a lot of material in a short period of time, compared to high school. You may also only have two tests for the class, in turn making your grade consist of two big tests full of material. In high school you learned a chapter and then took a test, but now you have less grades and more information. I could have used someone telling me what was going to be different so that I would have known before starting school, but I am getting used the differences of college and started to adjust quite nicely. Thank you for your time.
Hey, for one, dont go to community college! Even though you're supposed to get two years free because of graduating from Tamaqua Area High School it will only end up putting you behind in classes when you get to a real college. It ends up being more headache then it was worth. And two, stop sleeping in class!! Yea so you can get by now with good grades, but its not going to happen in college so if you focus now, that transition will be much easier. Lastly, stay true to who you are and what you like because it will make you a much better person and your field much easier. You have always loved cars and motorcyles so keep sticking to it and everything will be ok. Just save more of your money because it gets hard to come by in college. Other then that you really dont need to do much different. Just stay focused and be you. You'll do just fine. [Only thing I would add depends on what year in highschool this is...if its around my sophmore year I would tell myself to take calculus then instead of now]
I would tell myself to stay more focused on school because you only get one chance at this and after that you have to work to advance. With a good college degree and passing with a good GPA it takes away a few steops because you now have people looking to hire you instead of you looking for a job in a market where jobs arn't the easiest thing to find. I would tell myself to not lose focus and keep your head to the future and what all of your hard work will pay off with. I wouldn't change anything that i have done so far but i would let myself know that it is all worth it in the end. With hard work the light at the end of the tunnel will be brighther and full of oppurtunities.
I would say to my senior self that you need to work hard. Apply for scholarship that will help you big time. Also I would say to myself get to know your professor very well they can help. Take good notes when the professor is giving a lecture also not to skip class. Also get your GPA very high because if you fall behind it is basically impossible for you to bring it back up. These are the type of advice I would give to myself year from last year.
DON'T CHANGE YOUR MIND SO MUCH! Try to stick with one major and not change my major more than two times.
I would tell myself to make every minute count. Don't be afraid to step out of the shadows and have a good time. The students at college are like you and you'll have a great time. Oh and don't forget to take theater you'll LOVE it!
I would tell the parents to let their child go and have them make their own decisions, and for the student to go out there and experience everything that they can, join a club or an inturmeral sports team, anything that will get them involved in the campus so that they can make friends and really make the most out of college.
I would suggest to a parent and/or student to make sure they receive all the information obtainable about a college before choosing their college of choice. Talk to some students already attending the colleges to receive a better opinion in choosing the right college for him or her.
The right college is found through plenty of research. The college for you is the one that best supports and nurtures your major as well as your life and career goals. Research should not only be internet based, it should be done through visits and talking to current students. To get the most out of your college experience, you should make plenty of friends because they are often lifetime friends. This will make tough semesters easier because friends can offer support. Don't let your social life take control of your time, however. You should have the ability to realize that you are given a wonderful opportunity to better your life, so take it seriously.
Make sure the student is fully satisfied with the number of college applications sent in. Don't discourage the student from applying to multiple colleges, more choices will ultimately lead to a happier student, which can be correlated to better grades. Research all of the schools thoroughly before making a final decision. Although the decision is primarily the students, parents and students should discuss the options before making a decision. Weigh the pro's and con's of each school. Once you get to school, don't forget to work hard and study. One bad semester can ruin a GPA. Don't forget to call parents and keep in touch, thank them when they send you care packages. If you're able, get an off campus job for some disposable income. All in all don't forget to have an equal mix of studying and fun. One without the other is bound to drive you crazy.