Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Harrisburg Top Questions

What should every freshman at Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Harrisburg know before they start?


Choosing a college is a crucial process and it takes time to really know what college is best for you. When I was first choosing a college it was very hard and I wasn't sure that I would be able to choose. The fisrt step is to do research on schools and narrow it down to the ones that seem the most interesting to you. After this try to find enough information on the school even if possible attend presentations on the school. This is what I did. At the very end only you, the student, can decide what college is best for you and hopefully you will have the support of family and friends. I was scared at first but college life is nothing to to be fearful about. It is an amazing experience that you can easily get used to.


Please, please visit before you decide. Spend not only a weekend day but a weekday there. Talk to students and THINK about your decision. Decide where to go for yourself, not your friends or family. Branching out to a new school in a new place may be scarey but it can be the best decision you ever make. Don't be afraid to be afraid. Look for a school that is friendly, helpful and has activities outside of classes that make you feel invigorated and excited, as if you are making a new step. College is your chance to experience all of those things you wish you could but haven't had the chance to. Embrace that idea as you look for a place which suits you.


Go to the college that feels right to you. Read about clubs and activities available on campus. Finding something to get involved in is a great way to meet people and give yourself a break from all the school work. Make sure you know class sizes. There is a big difference between large and small classes. What works best for ou depends on your learning style.