Philander Smith College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Philander Smith College know before they start?


If I could go back in time to talk to myself as a high school senior, there would be a lot that I would tell myself. First piece of advice I would give is to make sure that you are vocal about any and all situations you feel are not right. Next, I would say to myself that everyone who appears to be your friend is really not, especially females. Girls are the worst when it comes to tearing one another down. Another thing I would let myself know is to get involved in organizations, and volunteer activities. It is beneficial to both the organization and you. I would also tell myself that not all professors or advisor are looking out for your best interest, and will not always lend out a helping hand, so you have to seek out those that will. Mostly importantly I would tell my high schoool self is that no matter, remember to have fun and enjoy your undergraduate years, because it only happens once.


The transition from high school to College was something I was not fully ready for. If I were to go back in time and give advice to my younger self, I would have suggested to soul search and really figure out what you want to do with your life. My biggest mistake while attending college was that I did not have any idea what my academic plan was for my college career. I ended up taking classes that I could not motivate myself to do because I was unhappy and unsuccessful in those fields that my college offered. Having at least an idea of what I wanted to do would have been more productive than taking classes that I had no clue about. While exploring options is what many students do, I would have preferred to have a set course to take and focus on succeeding.


College is no joke, it is very time consuming and takes time management with performing in sports but it can be done. Take education seriously and use all the help that is offered to you.


The best advice I could give myself as a High School senior concerning college would be to stay focused. I can't say how many times i got unfocused and how much it effected my grades. No, they were not the best and no, the weren't the worse either. It's just bad when you look at your grades knowing you could've done a lot better had you stayed focused. Procrastination is not the answer, and rshing your work will not get you as good of a grade as you want.


I would give the advice that I need to stay focus and apply for more scholarships. In college there are a lot of distractions that I wasnt really concerned about going into college. But I soon realized that I needed to stay focus and if I knew from the beginning i would be in a different place in my studies. Also, I would make sure I applied for more scholarships because i didnt have enough money for my books. and barely enough to attend school.


I would remind myself that college is expensive, therefore I should apply for scholarships throughout my entire high school career. Also I would encourage myself to get invovled in extracurricular activities, and to maintain a GPA no less than a 3.4.


If I could go back in time and talk to my high school senior self; I would tell myself to continue putting in academic excellence and staying involved. Academic excellence will be the pave way to scholarships and a footstool for preparation in college classes. Also, I would tell myself to go for my dreams and never hold back from my potential. Lastly, I would tell myself to be socially responsible while still having a fun time because you will only get this experience once.


The advice i would give my self will be to study harder and dont be scared to take chances. I will also tell my self that college will not always be sunshine and rainbows, I will have to buckle down and keep my head in the books.


I know you're afraid, not of the strangers or unfamiliar places, but of the rejection from other schools. It's okay to broaden your horizons to seehat may happen. It doesn't reflect on your worth. It only reflects how people percieve you wrongly. No matter what. just other schools and follow your second mind for once.


I would take time and know more about my self, and apparently research for the best schools that best suite me to apply to them because I'm currently not happy with the school I am in. Its like the school is not giving me what I preferred an American college would offer.