Knowing what I know now I would have taken the opportunity to go to the vocational school offered here in Ohio while I was in high school because then I could have been a nurse and my schooling would have been free at the time. I have a younger sister and also younger cousins who are now in high school and I have been passing this advice to them so they can better their future and not have to struggle like I do at times.Without an education it is hard to find a good job and one you like. I believe furthering your education is most important in life and to take every opportunity you come across that will let you do it.
Dear younger self,
As you know from your life of moving around, the first month of living in a new place will be the hardest. Feelings of home sickness will come and go but you must all way remember your ultimate reason for going to college. That reason is to get a higher education! With that in mind, it will serve as motivation for you to complete those end of the year assignments early! After doing your school work early, be sure to get involed in the student activity groups. They many not be numerous but they are small enough to creat a personal connection which will help you make new friends and develope a feeling of school pride. In all, home sickness will be your biggest hurdle to over come but with the support from the student activities, you will come out on top!
with love,
future you!
I would tell myself that school isnt't for everyone.
My first year of college was admittedly not the best. Although I have much to be thankful for, including financial stability, I feel displaced and unhappy at my college. My first choice of college was Clark Atlanta University. If given the opportunity to speak to my high school senior self, I would say “Take advantage of your good grades and the great scholarships available.” My college/career counselor stressed the importance of these things but I was not as determined at the time as I am now. During my senior year in high school, I was unsure of my preference in school and choice of major. Now that my understanding of college is broadened, I am aware of what I truly wish to gain from this experience. Clark Atlanta University offers a Computer Science program, which is perfect for my established major and many study abroad opportunities which would allow me to explore new cultures. It would be in my best favor if I could offer advice to my high school self. My biggest dreams and goals in life would be on track instead of anticipating route changes on my path to success.
Life after high school is serious business. Do not become lazy your senior year, continue to strive as you did when you first entered high school. Your GPA means everything when it comes to applying for scholarships. Do not take any scholarships for granted. Every opportunity you get continue to fill out scholarships. No one should allow money issues to keep them from continuing on their education after high school. There is an abundance of free money out there for students, you just need to use your resources and locate it. Also as another word of advice I would also urge you to be very active in your high school community academically, socially, verbally, and so on. This will help prepare you for when you continue on to college. Being active on campus will help you to have a smoother transition through college. While being active on campus this will allow you to make new friends, make connections, gain leadership skills, and so much more. The turn out of your college career is up to you. You control your future. Strive to be the best that you can be, always be above average and never settle for less.
The main advice I would’ve given myself was to take applying to college seriously, so that I wouldn’t end up in a place I didn’t want to be. I would have prepared myself better as far as not being lazy towards studying, doing work, and writing papers. I would have filled our way more scholarships so money wasn’t an issue and I could attend the college I wanted to. I truly would have applied to more than a dozen schools whether HBCU's or not. Instead of now, I have to do more work filling out scholarships, and bringing my grades up, to attend the university I want to. In high school, I had the appropriate grades and scores, even the athletics, and plenty of options, which I didn’t take proper advantage of. This school was the last resort so I could attend college. As a result, I understand that being a college student/athlete is not easy or cheap. So, I never felt so obligated to take and second chance and work that much harder so I can transfer.
The most important thing about going to college is being prepared mentally. I would remind myself to stay focus and stay ahead in all of my classes. As a high school senior i thought it would be all fun and games going to college. I wasn't focus and I almost got caught up in campus life instead of college life. I would constantly remind myself that I am going to college to further my education so that I can accomplish my goals in life. I would say take care of all of the important business ahead of time. Make sure to keep up with what is going on around you on campus and get involved. Network and communicate with people of different backgrounds. be qiuet sometimes and listen to others and you are sure to survive.
Well, i haven't started college yet, but i know it will be a great experience for me. I really love to learn and i think this is the opportunity for me to do that.
I have no been in college long but being there has taught me to live every minute to the fullest. The days seem to go by quicker as I get older and soon I will be out of college and on my own. Even though I am preparing myself for my future ahead I am going to make sure I enjoy every minute I am there and take in all the memories I can.
I have gotten a lot out of my college experience thus far. There has been so many different eperiences throughout my life, but going to college is one I will never forget. The first time you step foot onto the campus it is like an all new different world. There are new people, a new place, new teachers, alltogether a new idea... college. I have gotten the true meaning of dedication from my college experience. It takes a lot to be able to complete your work on time, and before college even starts to pay tuition. Being out on my own definitely made it harder, but in the end being a college student changed my life. I had to be willing to pay the costs to attend, and while attending college have a job also. It was difficult to go to college and have a job at the same time, but dedication is what got me through so far. I knew what I wanted, and I wanted to be a nurse. My college experience has been valuable to me to attend because it has gotten my closer to my dream through dedication.