I wish I had known more about financial aid and how to find scholarships.
That the Professors make you work hard to learn and understand the information they are teaching you.
I attended PCC right out of high school. At that point in my life, my financial and personal circumstances did not allow me to do well. I wish I knew that mistakes made 25 years ago would affect me when I registered in the Fall of 2013. I was placed on academic probation for financial aide until I can improve my GPA and completion rate. I am well on my way by earning straight A's for the past two semesters.
I wish I had a better idea of what I wanted to to persue as a career when I started college. Like many highschool students I had only a slight idea of what degree I was going for and it took me a year to finally figure out that my passion was in the arts. I in the end switched my degree to the arts and that set me back about a semester in getting my degree.
I wish I would have come into my first semester most confident. I would have spent less of my senior year stressing about University scholarships, and more time learning how helpful a Community, 2 year college can be. The advisors and teachers are all so dedicated to leading students, whether it be financial advice or planning courses for a degree. I would have jumped on so many more opportunities while still in high school before attending, if I had only known of thier existence!
Since I am a "mature student" (40 years old) this is a tough question. I wish I had known that I didn't "have" to go to college directly after high school. I wish I had known that it is better to find your true interest and passion BEFORE you spend time and money studying. Perhaps most importantly, I wish I had known that the education I have received at a community college has been far superior to anything I received at two 4-year universities.
That its not that different. Most of the kids there are in the same boat as you. Yes, there are some things that are changed, but you still make friends with other students and even some of the professors.
Before attending college I wish I knew what I really wanted to study. I went through a few diffrent classes in till I found out that Education was my true calling.
Everything that I needed to know was made available to me by the knowledgeable staff at Pima.
I wish I had known more about the registration process and filling out financial aid forms. When I began preparing for my first semester, I became very frustrated because I was told that I was an adult and needed to advocate for myself. If my high school had given me the slightest information, I would not have struggled as much.