Pima Community College Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


There are a lot of great things about Pima Community College especially being a prep school before attending the University of Arizona. The thing I like the most is the support I've recieved from my professors. They make it pretty evident that they want their students to succeed and they try and help out in anyway that they can. All my professors have been extremely helpful and easy to get in touch with if I needed help outside of class. I have felt like all my professors share a common goal and that's they want me to succeed.


I beleive the best thing that Pima community college has to offer is the diversity of both students and professors. I gives it's students a great oppurtunity to interact with many unique individuals and no one should feel out of place.


There is always someone to help you, meaning staff and teachers, in the areas you need. Always willing to help to the best of their knowledge.


The best thing about my school would have to be the instructors. Each instructor that I have had the priviledge of attending their class has treated myself and the other students as indivisuals. The instructors take the time to know their students and guide them to their best ability by encouraging them and pushing them to achieve their best.