Point Park University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Point Park University know before they start?


The best advice I can give is to visit the schools you are looking at. I looked at several schools and really had my heart set on one, until I visited it and I just didn't feel like I fit in there. College is much more about finding the right fit for you, visiting and leaving the school and being able to say , "yeah I can see myself, eating, living, studying, BEING here," it's a whole lot more about the experience you will have than what it looks like on paper. If you are going to pay a fortune, which no matter what, you end up paying a lot for school unless you get a full ride, you want to be spending your money on a place that you are going to fit well with, and enjoy yourself, because the learning will happen and often it happens outiside the classroom.


The most important thing when it comes to deciding upon a college or university is the college visit. A student must physically go to the campus to decide whether or not it feels right. If a person is uncomfortable with their campus in any way, it can make it difficult to study, make friends, and just exist. It is also very hard making an adjustment to a new school if a student decides that the first choice isn't for them. Within the first year, you make everlasting friendships and set the stage for the rest of your academic career, and doing all that over again is very stressful. College should be a time of growth and change and excitement. The stress that comes with picking a college should be channelled into school work, not into surviving on a campus that isn't right for your specific needs.


My advice to parents and students in regards to finding the right college is look at a lot of schools, and visit them as well as meeting professors.


I think the best advice I could give students or parents, is to take the time to find the college that is right for you. I personally have been to three different colleges, each with its own pros and cons. Now that I am at my current college I am very happy, because it fits what I need and expect from a college. I receive personal attention from my professors as well as other faculty. And the class sizes are small, which for me are inductive to a good learning environment. This is what is best for me, but not everyone. So, the most important thing is to decide what is most important to you. Is it size of classes, extracurricular activities offered, living situations, Greek life, or professional acceptance? In my opinion I believe I receive a better education in a smaller classroom, where everyone knows my name, instead of my student number. But, again this is not for everyone, some students like the larger classes. Regardless of the type of class setting or campus life you prefer, to make the most out of it, do as much as possible and have fun doing it without losing yourself.


Research, research, research! I had a difficult time trying to find a college that would suit my needs as a non-traditional adult student. Aside from the distance of my commute, Point Park has been an excellent choice. It fits my schedule as far as being able to maintain full-time status and maintaining my family, home and work. I have learned how to carefully balance every moment of every day to fit it all in! I have become a master at time management. Each student has to assess their needs and wants into a list so they may choose the college that fits them best. Each college has their own set of pros and cons which must be weighed in making a decision. Starting your search early is best so you can investigate thoroughly without being rushed into any decisions. Taking the time to research your schools will save you a headache in the end, you will be well informed of what you are getting yourself into from the very start.