Point Park University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Point Park University know before they start?


If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to live life. As I think back to being a high school senior, I worried way to much about getting into college and the SAT's . I know all the hard work of investigating into schools was worth the wait. I feel like I picked out the best school for me even though I worried so much about choosing the right school for myself. College is not like seen on TV and movies. College is great and very fun and enjoyable. Leave all the drama and high school friends back home, you will make great friends and its drama free. Do not go to school with a boyfriend! Worst decision. You will not enjoy any of college being held back and trying to please someone at a different college. But other than life choices that can not be decided until experience what happened. Just relax and enjoy the last couple months at this school, you will never see any of these old friends unless your back home. College is going to be the best days of your life. Don't look back.


I would tell my high school self to get involved, both in your school and in your community! In high school, I was shy and had low self esteem which made me afraid to participate in school activities. Looking back I am not sure why, but it seemed to me that everyone else understood "something" about life and interpersonal relationships that I was missing. I was afraid I was not smart enough or interesting enough to participate or be accepted. I am thankful that I forced myself out of my shell in college because my life has completely changed as a result. I have made some wonderful, talented friends and learned so much. I am much more confident in both my academics and in social situations. I began volunteering with Habitat for Humanity and a local environmental group. Working in the community has given me such a sense of connectedness to the place I live and a sense of responsibility to make it better. It has also helped me to make contacts within the school and the community for the future. I truly wish I had overcome my fears in high school, I would have enjoyed it so much more.


Art and truth are subjective. There is never a definitive answer to everything. Just give it your all and hope that someone gets the message you are trying to get across The transition from high school to college-or Chicago to Pittsburgh-is a difficult one. If I could tell myself anything it would not be the cliché “be who you are”. I would tell myself to be who I WANT to be. College is about experiences outside of the classroom as much as it is in the classroom. Take chances, learn whatever you can whenever you can, and love your environment. Do not leave any experience without taking something with you. Mistakes are a part of life, make them while you still have time to correct them, and finally: FOR THE LOVE OF GOD eat! Food is as essential as getting to class on time, make enough time for both.


When I was applying for college programs I wanted to be accepted to a flashy and impresive school. I thought I had it all figured out and I thought that only the "right" school could get me where I want to go. If I could talk to 18 year old me right now, I would tell her not to worry because the place you end up is the place you were meant to be. Point Park will turn out to be everything you didnt know you needed in a school.


College is a great experience. It’s nothing to be scared of or nervous about. It’s worth all the work that you’ve done all through high school. Everything teachers have told you up to this point, like that they’re “preparing you for the future,” is correct. You’ll find yourself thinking of your eighth-grade English teacher’s crazy teaching methods, but realizing that you’re grateful for every harsh comment she gave you. You’ll learn time-management within the first month of college. You’ll learn that you need to go to class, even though your professors don’t take attendance. I know you think people are kind of annoying, and you’d rather keep to yourself. That is okay. However, it won’t take long for you to realize that people aren’t all that bad, and you need to be more outgoing. You'll meet the most interesting and diverse group of people, but they will become your best friends. You will love it here. You won’t miss high school at all. This probably will be the best four years of your life, and you should make the most of it.


If i were able to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, i would tell myself that it is extremely important to keep a good gpa up; to keep doing homework and involve myself in class work. i would also tell myself that it is important to keep good relationships with teachers and other factulty members instead of just going to class and making myself disappear in the corners of classrooms. about making the transition, i would tell myself to be more prepared and to not procrastinate when it came to preparing myself for my first year of college. I also should not have procrastinated when it came to applying for loans and grants, instead of waiting until the last minute when most of the applications were closed. with all of those in mind, if i would have done that, i would have been less stressed, and better prepared for college mentally.


The advice I would give myself would be to not take everything so seriosuly. In college, you have to balance your academic life and personal life. In order to fully enjoy college, I realized that I couldn't just sit in my room and do homework like I did in High School. I realized that the relationships I make with my peers and professors can be more valuable in the future than always focusing on studying one-hundred precent of the time. If I could go back to high school, I would of balanced school and my social life a little better, because in the end, what good is sucess if you have no one to share it with.


I would tell myself to do all your research on the colleges that seem to interest you. I would have liked to tell myself to look into more programs that provided help for disabled students. The help that I get now I could have use five years ago. I think these are just a few of the many things that make the top of my list in importance to know. I think the other thing though would have been know what you wanted to do when you first started college. Not that I didn't know, but I really should have done a little more research into the programs. Instead of following my gut I would tell myself to follow my heart and not let anything put me down. Thank you for listening.


I would tell myself that nothing is ever what you think it will be, especially not college. Already in two years I have had to face a lot of ups and downs. The biggest down for me was in my third semester when I was dianosed with Thyroid Cancer. It was in those months that I realized the importance of friends. It was because I found people close to me who helped lift me back up and continue on with my life that I was able to stay in school. Point Park is a true community were I was able to find amazing people both student and staff who helped me through a dark time. I would tell myself to never loose sight of the end goal. You are going to college for a reason and no matter the bumps you may hit along the way it is more important than ever to focuss on the goal. The goal is to graduate and be a stronger and better person who is and ready for the world.


Try harder. Get a lot more active with the school even if you don't always agree with the system. Don't let anyone or the school environment discourage you from getting involved and having an impact. Listen to your parents and siblings. Its not hard to get good grades so just try your best and participate more because it will pay off and you will be happy that you did. Apply for as many scholarships as you can because your parents will not have the money to send you to college in the future like they did for your older brother and sister. Work as much as you can to save up because your going to need the money. Stay as focused as you can in school and doing what you love to do. Let go of any stress, worries or negative thinking because there is absolutely no point. Don't worry too much about your social life right now because your not going to be friends with most of these people anymore. You are a lot smarter than you think and can accomplish a lot more than you may believe. Stay positive and patient.