Providence College Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?




The most popular clubs on campus are BOP- a programming group that puts on concerts and events and Friars Club- the campus tour guides. Tehy are also rivals and you cannot be on one if you are on the other. Freshman and sophmore year dorms are open and people are socialable on their floor but in the upperclassmen years friendship groups are formed and people stick to their cliques. PC does not have a football team and sports are not largely followed, basketball season will bring out fans but only if they are doing well. Orientation and freshman dorms find your first friends and from there you are introduced to other people. People party 7 nights a week, there is something to do every night of the week and something to do it with. PC is a drinking school although there is a drug scene it is not spoken about. There are no frats or sororities so PC is a bar school , a fake ID is a must for this school. In place of frats and sororities sports houses take over the big parties and off campus houses host parties for money but underclassmen are more likely to be welcomed at a bar than a seniors house.


Lots of clubs, sports, intramurals; most students are active and athletic; many ethnic and special interest groups; no frats/sororities; drinking consists of pregaming in dorms and house parties but mostly bars around campus; No drugs beside marijuana


Basketball and hockey games are very fun to go to, and a lot of the student body does. The drama and music departments are well supported by friends and family. My roommate and I didn't like to keep our door open because our hallmates were very nice, but also very loud. I met a lot of my closest friends from the music department - either music theory class or in choir. The others I met through these friends and through living arrangements. If I'm awake at 2 AM, I'm probably wasting time on the internet or hanging out, laughing with my friends. I don't like partying, so my friends and I would go to the movies, hang out in someone's room, go to Slavin, or go out to eat. It would have been nice if PC had more events that were more enticing. There are a good amount of PC weekend events, but they're often not much fun.


most popular group on campus- friars club- it's like a cult. Students in dorms do leave their doors open mostly. Basketball and hockey games are really popular. i met my closest friends at orientation. if i'm awake at 2 am on a tuesday i'm studying.. but i'm usually not awake that late.civ scream happens the night before a civ final for freshmen and sophomores each year. on st. patricks day everyone gets completely retarded. people party thursday night - saturday night usually. on a saturday night i can go downtown and spend money on food/movies or just hang out in someone's room and watch a movie. off campus you can go to the mall or movies. i've always been a big fan of music and go to a lot of concerts so i started going to concerts almost every weekend as a way to have fun off campus.


I live off campus, and the social life for off campus students offers little. If you like drinking every night of the week and nothing else for fun, then PC is for you.


I was so involved in high school that when I came to college I wanted to be able to enjoy my own time without involving myself with a bunch of activities. I would say that the Frairs Club and BOP are the two most popular organizations and the interview process is rather detailed. Students leave their dorm doors open most of the time. Athletic events are very popular as well as the guest speakers and theater. There is a fair share of dating. Most of my closest friends are my room mates or their friends. I have a large group of great friends. If I'm awake at 2am on a Tuesday, I am either studying or coming in from a night out. There is usually a freshman and sophmore ball, then JRW when you are a junior, and commencement when you are a senior. People party a lot and if you feel like going out any day during the week, there will be a great deal of people out. There is no greek life. I wasn't at school last weekend. A Saturday Night that doesn't involve drinking may be spent down town or hanging out with a group of friends. There are also activities that take place on campus that don't involve drinking. Off campus there are parties and such that go on.


The most popular (and exclusive) clubs on campus are Board of Programmers and Friars Club. Since we don't have Greek life, our clubs are run by interviews and "who you know." Athletic events are very popular. Nearly everyone has season basketball tickets and gets dressed up or paints their face for games. Red Sox games are played on big screens in the campus bar, McPhail's. Theater is definitely popular within it's own group. The SAIL club emails everyone weekly with events for every day that week, so you will never be bored! There is no dating scene at PC. People may meet at bars and hookup, but there are few relationships on campus. Most students in serious relationships are dating something at a different college that they knew in HS. It's pretty hard to find something to do on weekend nights if you aren't drinking. There are lots of restaurants and things to do in the city, but you'll definitely be woken up at 2 or 3am when the rest of campus comes stumbling back to the dorms! Campus ministry is very popular on campus and the chapel basement is open 24/7 for students to hang out.


There are tons of groups or organizations to get involved in at PC. A very open environment, students always have their room doors propped open. Athletic events as well as guest speakers are very popular as are events held in the SLavin Center. I met my closest friends through living together in the dorms or meeting each other out. The party scene at PC is very big--students work very hard and party just as hard. There are no fraternities or sororities.


Activities primarily consist of drinking and frequenting the dingy, overcrowded bars around the campus, or spending all free time in Bible studies and service groups. There are few activities designed specifically to promote SOCIAL INTERACTION on campus, and those other activities that do not fall into the above categories do not do this because they either 1) fail to meet frequently enough or 2) fail to encourage interpersonal interaction ABOVE the activity the group is centered around. Intramural sports are limited in scope as well, and fail to provide this also. SPIRITUAL LIFE If you are not Roman catholic, there is no spiritual life for you. End of story. If you are, there MAY be. Religion - CATHOLIC religion - will be forced down your throat at every twist and turn. This school does not give out free condums, as many do. This school incorporates a CATHOLIC mass into most on campus activities involving parents or alumni. Priests are allowed to teach non-religious courses, including Development of Western Civ. Additionally, flyers will be posted all over the place promoting the latest religious initiative. If you are the type of person that is DEFINED by your religion and so happen to be Roman catholic, then you might be happy here. But if you are like the majority that think religion is a secondary concern in the human experience, of another faith, or have NO interest in religion whatsoever, expect to be disappointed and very frustrated. And if you are a casual catholic, this school will likely encourage you to consider converting to another religion. This school is OBSESSED with its “catholic Dominican heritage” and is OVERBEARING to the point of nausea with it.