Providence College Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


The best part about PC is that it is located in a great city. The campus is not downtown so you don't get the city feel on a day to day basis. However, downtown Providence is a five minute bus ride (which is free for students) away. There is so much to do in the city that anyone will find something that interests them. There is a huge mall for shopping, tons of restaurants, theaters, concerts, and bars, and some nice parks as well. And the best part about the city of Providence is that it is not huge and overwhelming like a big city can be.


There are plenty of groups on campus for anything of interest. You can even form your own group. the COWL, the school newspaper, is really popular. People are always ordering pizza and chinese food. There are not fraternities or sororities. Incase you haven't heard, underage bars around campus are extremely popular. But there is always the risk of getting arrested by cops or having a confrontation with the urban youth or gangs around campus. Atheltic people are pretty popular since we are a Division I school.


They have a good bar scene, but a lot depends on your fake id. As soon as I got to school I realized I wasn't going to be able to do much on the weekends without one. It's basically hit or miss depending on the night if they are going to let in underaged students, but in general it's not to tough to get in.


There is no greek life, but the bar scene is huge. There aren't parties on campus, they are all off campus or at the bars. Intramurals are huge and absolutely worth trying.


There are very few quality organizations on campus. The most prominent of these is the Debate Team, which any prospective political science, philosophy, or law major should look in to. Certain dorms are quiet. Certain dorms are incredibly loud. Ask around before you send in your freshman housing info. Generally, you can find a dorm that fits your personality. Dating scene - Party first, date second. Lots of partying, mostly off-campus at houses and at the large array of bars. The campus gets pretty crazy on the weekends. Sometimes it's hard to find refuge if you don't want to hang out with a bunch of drunk people. However, downtown Providence is a free 5 minute bus ride away, which provides plenty to do.


Lots of drinking on and off campus. Bars are open till midnight, one, and two (depending on the bar) and on weekends there are late night parties at houses after the bars. The bars are nice because you can go out on a week night to one that closes at midnight and be home in time to get up for class in the morning.


everyone likes the bars it sucks


Friar's Club, Board of Programmers (BOP), and Admissions Ambassadors are the very competitive organizations to be apart of. Athletic events by the season are a big deal. Dating at Providence College.... There are few who find that one person and spend their entire college career with them. For the ideal others you are more likely to "hook up" with the same guy than for a true relationship with title to happen. It is around the middle to end of junior year are the loyal relationships established. People go out to the bars everyday of the week, clubbing happens by a small group on the weekends primarly. At 2 am you are likely to find half the student body at Golden Crust Pizzeria off campus and down the street. There is no Greek Life here at Providence College, hence why athletics, Friar's Club and BOP are like cults. BOP is responsible for various activities on campus that don't involve alcohol like concerts, food festivals, speakers etc... Off campus many students travel to Providence Place Mall that has all of the stores you can think of, a food court, and the movie theatres.


I love going to sporting events. My great friend from home is on the soccer team so I go to all the games I can! All the games are fun to go to. One group I'm involved in is Adult Literacy. Once a week we meet up on campus with special needs adults and teach them to read/write and do simple math. My partner Dave is one of the sweetest people I have ever met. I always looked forward to Wednesday nights. It gave me an opportunity to take a step back and see how these people live day to day. I would worry about my next big test or what going on this weekend and Dave has to worry if he'll make it from point A to point B without falling due to his handicap. You may go in thinking you'll impact them and that you're doing something for the better for them, but every time I came out knowing Dave impacted me so much and the way I see life more than anything. My dorm was so friendly and inviting. Our door was always open and I met almost all my closest friends right there on my floor.


It's either you drink or don't do anything worhtwhile. This is mainly BOP's fault. They should all be fired!