Purdue University-Main Campus Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I had known that there is such a thing as a bad roommate, things that your high school hadn't taught you tht they claimed they did, life doesn't revolve around drinking despite being on a campus where over 50{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the campus have "gone greek". Maybe I should've taken some summer classes, it would've helped me get a step a head in my major rather than a step behind. I wish I had know that I'd spend more time than I ever have studying. when it comes to it; College=real world


That college is really hard.


The amount of money required and consequentially the strain that would be placed on my parents. Otherwise, I just wish I could have had work experience pertaining to my major to give an edge when it comes to internships/summer jobs/etc.


How to study better for exams.


I wish I had known and understood that I would face these type of financial challenges pertaining to the covering the costs of attending yearly.


Something that I wish i had known before i started would be that it is really different than the highschool experience, just because i got away with things in highschool doesn't mean i will in college. I wish i had known that i need to sit and study more than just a little bit.


I would have liked to have known that they currently allow smoking on campus. I also would have liked to know how expensive room and board is and how difficult it is to find scholarships for "average" people.


I wish I had known how important it was to pick a few organizations that really interested me, and get really involved in those organizations. Leadership is key on a resume- I wish I had dedicated myself more to various leadership positions earlier on.


I wish I would have known how much in debt I was going to be from being out of state and having to pay about 3 times as much as an in-state student. I also wish I would have known exactly what I wanted to major in.


I wish I had known the degree of independence and self-reliance one must have to be successful. That unlike high school, instructors will no longer hold your hand and guide you through the class; but now expect you to maintain effiency and be able to cope with stessors on your own. I