Quinnipiac University Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Quinnipiac University?


That everyone is preppy, rich and almost everyone is white and catholic.


Rich, spoiled are the main stereotypes. Others include dumb (can't pay their own bills, etc.) Lots of New Yorkers.


QU students, in general, are thought to be big party-ers, drinkers, club-goers. There seems to be 2 extremes - the frat/sorority kids and the completely academic, studious kids. Even though greek life isn't huge (only a couple frats and couple sororities), it's becoming a bigger deal. It's a very appearance-driven campus. Most students are very concerned with their appearance, with the most expensive brands, with looking as trendy and put-together as possible. Abercrombie models and guidos are prevalent; Uggs, Coach, and NorthFace are worn by alllllmost everyone. There is an in-between type of student who refuses to buy into the trends, fads, and typical QU culture. They're hard to come by but they're growing in number....


that they are a bunch of rich snobby kids


they are rich, snobby, spoiled, not intelligent, ditzy, racist, risrespectful.


Rich, racist, alcoholics, sluts


Rich kids, hot girls, preppy student body, politically ignorant


All the girls are slutty, all the guys are jerks, that it is in the middle of nowhere, and that we all have alot of school spirit, that you need to wear uggs, northface apparel, vera bradley bags hats and popped collars.


The girls are slutty. The guys are meat heads. Everyone is rich and apathetic. The majority of students are dumb. The student population is very homogeneous.


They are all rich white kids. Quinnipiac is Apathetic All Quinnipiac students are the same