Quinnipiac University Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Quinnipiac University?


We are a bunch of rich kids.


That the student body is snobby and most students come from a lot of money.


Girls shallow, ditsy, party alot. 'Guido' guys


We're rich, white, and from Long Island


Many people, including myself initially, assume the students at Quinnipiac are preppy, little, rich kids. Many also somehow hear that housing is bad at Quinnipiac.


One stereo type that I had heard of before coming to Quinnipiac is that everyone is rich and spoiled.


white, wealthy students who don't have much school spirit


Quinnipiac, as some people may or may not know, is this expensive private school in Connecticut. Who can afford to go here? The snobby white rich kids of course! Those kids who think that money is never an issue and have no problem flaunting it with their coach purses and umbrellas and Louis Vuiton everything. I also feel there is a divide between the health science majors and the business majors. Most people in the library and living in solitary confinement are the health science majors (me being one myself), wearing pretty much sweat pants and sweat shirts everyday. While the kids dressed so nicely who lounge around are the business majors. I might be a little bias but what can I say, I have a friend who is a business major and I'm pretty sure facebook doesn't count as "studying". Quinnipiac also has those girls who LOVE going out on thursday nights to the New Haven Clubs. Our shuttle for that night is called the "slut bus" and boy could they be more right. They walk down dorm road in a piece of fabric they call a dress, screaming out at the top of their lungs for attention. Dont they realize that people actually do homework and 8ams the next day??


White, Rich, Long Island/Jersey


The most pervasive stereotype is that all QU students are rich, white, stuck-up, and huge partiers/slutty.