Reed College Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Reed College?


Reed = Weed...and many other drugs. Also I heard before coming here that Reed had the highest suicide rate. Reedies are nerds and the most awkward group of people you'll ever encounter. I've heard that some people think Reedies are pretentious as well.


i've often heard it said that reedies are hippies, elitists, radicals, upper-class suburban white kids, drugged out, socially stunted, brilliant, hipsters, and awkward.


They are socially retarded and incredibly smart. They smoke too many cigarettes and don't get enough sleep. They smell bad and look like shit.


We're smart but somewhat socially impaired.


Everyone is high all the time, they will not look up at you, smile, wave, or acknowledge you- even if you are friends, Everyone is constantly in the library doing work or looking for a spot to have sex without being seen. Everyone is really smart.


The two biggest stereotypes about Reedies are that they are always focused on their workloads and they do a lot of drugs. Additionally, I think that Reed students may be perceived as both crazy and cynical, which the "Atheism, Communism, Free Love" motto might have something to do with.


hippie, progressive, self-absorbed, non-conformists.


liberals, awkward, smart, communist, atheist, spoiled, progressive, anti-mainstream, vegan


They don't do enough drugs and spend all their time watching Superbowl reruns. Also, I hear they are incredibly clean creatures.


Some of the pretty obvious ones are that we don't shower, we spend most of our waking hours in the library, and that we are all trust-fund hippies who consume our weight in drugs on a weekly basis and are only slightly to the right of Stalin. There are a few more that we mockingly self impose, but they're hard to understand without having spent a little time here.