If I could go back to my senior year in high school, the first piece of advice I would give myself would be to be more prepared, look into the schools and find out more about financial aid. Education is important and you should put more time in finding out about your options. The other advice I would give would to not become overwhelmed. There are many things in life that are not going to go according to your plans. Don’t fret though. These instances in life are a great learning experience and there is always another door open. It is up to you to put the time and effort into taking a step in the new directions you are faced with in life. Keep your head up and persevere toward your goal because it is going to be worth it.
The first couple of months at Regent University have been fantastic. I have learned so much, grown mentally and spiritually, and have been having the best time of my life. I have been able to take on responsibility and leadership positions that I might not have had the courage to take on in high school. As an undergraduate freshman at Regent University I have already had on the job experience within my area of interest and have been taught lessons that will help guide me through life. The integration of the graduate and undergraduate population also gives the younger generation a greater respect of our education and the world around us that we are trying to change for the better. Overall, Regent University has been a great place for me to learn, grow, bond, and discover myself as an individual, a student, and a Christian. I wouldn’t want to be at any other university than Regent.
When I was getting ready to graduate I had an attitude of procrastination towards my future. A year passed before I realized that my life had taken no leaps towards a better life, that I was stuck in the habits and practices of a graduate with no plan for the future. Days had passed and weeks came and went and I was still ?just waiting? for my life to jumpstart my potential. I didn?t realize that when people say ?your life is what you make it? they mean exactly that. These would be the words I would impart towards my younger self. Opportunities don?t just jump into your lap, and success isn?t something that?s owed to you. The successful actor Will Smith once said ?I do not have to build a perfect wall today. I just have to lay a perfect brick.? And this is true in many aspects of life. Your potential isn?t acquired in one day, and no one expects you to be your future self overnight, but if you live each day chasing a part of your dream then one day you'll wake up having turned that dream into a reality.
Do it right the first time! I would tell myself that it is so much easier to finish college when you are young with no kids, a job or responsibilities of having a full time job and family. I would explain to myself that even though distraction may and will come you must always stay focused and seek help. Trust and believe in God first and check everyone else out. Set your goals, read them every day and follow through with the choices that will help you to reach them goals.
Knowing what I know now, I would have to say, I need to take my school work more seriously and the drama of high school peers less seriously. I am glad that I worked as hard as I did in high school, but maybe I could have done more when it comes to my GPA. If my GPA was better then I would be able to qualify for more scholarships and maybe have an easier time now. All in all, focus on things that will last instead of the temporal.
My first year of college was the roughest. Studying was like prison compared to high school, and the professors were drill sargets. There is no holding your hand in college and adulthood needs to come in effect rapidly, not only in the classrooms but in the dorm life as well. If I had the opportunity to go back in time knowing what I know now, I would have made sure to encourage myself more. Inform myself that the transition I am about to partake in my life would become difficult at times. I would remind myself that as a senior I should begin buliding focus and dedication in my character, to be able to endure challanges that college would present. Develop strong studying , organizing , and motivating skills. Lastly, I would of reminded myself to pay close attention to the company that I keep. Ask myself are they on the same mind set as I am? Or, are they going in the same direction of sucess? And remind myself to pay close attentin to the condition of my heart. To work hard towards a career that I would enjoy for the rest of my life, not someone elses dream.
If I was able to go back into time and give myself some advice is would be to get good grades. I would also tell myself that I should be a teacher which is what I have always wanted to be, but never believed in myself enought to do it. I would let myself know that I can do anything, I'm alot stronger than I give myself credit for.
Going back in time as a high school senior, getting ready to make the transition as a young adult into college, i wouldve done alot of things differently. Some advice that i wouldve given myself would have been to apply to schools early for early admissions, research and apply for scholarships early, instead of waiting until the last minute. Ive discovered if you wait too long, there will not be any money left. I also wouldve taken trips to visit different universities to see the pros and cons of being away from home for a long period of time. Last but not least, i wouldve made a better habit of communicating with my guidance counseler about the steps i should take in searching, applying, and settling at the perfect college for me.
- Simone Heard
Work as hard as you can. Be prepared for challenges and don't be afraid to spend more time doing your homework than socializing. Go to bed at a decent time. Get your homework completed before you head out to hang with friends. If you are at school, make that your focus; the time flies by and you'll want to remember doing well and applying yourself, rather than the time you nearly failed that class because you were hungover and forgot to study for class. Make friends with your professors and dean's. Their influence and experience is worth it.
Sarah, college is so much better than high school, but it's also a lot more work. You have to stay focused and you have to push yourself- the professors aren't going to hold your hand every step of the way. Stop procrastinating so much, you'll thank me for that later. Don't hold anything back- if you get tired and want to give up, just take a breath and keep going. All of this work will be worth it in the end. But whatever you do, don't forget to enjoy yourself and to learn from those around you. There is something to be taken from every situation, so keep your eyes open. Good luck!
Love, Sarah
P.S. I would strongly recommend you live on campus. The commute from home is a killer.