If I could go back and talk to myself as a senior, I would say to myself to not wait and get on the ball as soon as you can. Procrastination was my downfall then and now look where it got me to. I would tell myself to continue to push and not let up, to reach for endless possibilities and fight for your dreams. Do not wait for this is your time to get things done and to really give yourself a fighing chance in this cut throat world. I would tell myself to fight for a job, your going to need money and need alot of it quick. I would tell myslef to check my car every now and again and really know what to do in a bad situation. Experience is the best tool and from the mistakes I have made, I have learned from. I have learned so much since then and will get where i want to be in life, no matter what.
I would tell myself to quit watching tv, and do my homework instead. I would tell myself to stay focused and believe in myself, regardless of what anyone else says.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself that it's ok to dream and to follow my dreams. I would tell myself that anything is possible if you really work at it. I would also tell myself that it's ok to make mistakes because many of life's lessons are learned from those mistakes. The last thing, and probably the most important, is to never give up.
I would tell myself that I should have taken more advanced placement classes, so that I could have been ready to make the transition. I would also tell myself that I should have learned to manage my time andx start on assignments as soon as they were given.
In thinking back to my last year of highschool all I remember is how easy it was and how anxious I was to go to college. Now that I am in college I wish that I would have greater prepared myself for what was to come; college. Now that I have seen the differences between college and high school life I would have given myself advice for the transition. Not only is College a much larger experience, but it requires much more independence and responsibility over your own actions. There is no one telling you what to do or how to do it, it's just you, your books, and the lectures that the professors want to teach. Self study and fully understanding the subject at hand is the key to having a successful college experience. I am 17 years old in my second year of college and I am finally figuring out the process semester by semester. I just hope that my transfer goes smoothly and I can see my life as a success.
If i could go back i would tell my self to pay attention more in my classes and listen to what my teachers told me. I would tell my self to change the way i thought and acted. That has affected me at the beggining.
I would have told myself that I needed to go to college. As a teenage mother, I chose to to get a job and take care of my family. I wish I would have jumped and enrolled in college at a young age. Trying to work and manage a family when you are older is much harder. My life would be much different if I would have attened college right after high school. I often feel that my on the job experience is not enough when applying for a job. Most employers today are looking at what college education you have. I am now trying to set the example for my soon to be graduating daughter from high school of how important it is to attend college right out of high school. Life is what you make it and you can not go back in time, but if I could that would be the one thing that I would change.
You don't have to make all the decisions now. Taking core classes at the beginning of your career will help you make those choices and will prepare you for the work it will take to see them through. Nothing will come easy, but stick with it! It's more than worth it.
I would tell myself to study hard, and to do what I really love doing; no matter what. To do what I truly am interested in. Finding a way even if I don't have the funds, or run into obstacles to study and gain knowledge from somewhere I am pursuing. You must always study hard and think positive to remain happy and educated. Thus, doing what I strive for.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself, I would advise myself to think before I take any step. The reason I say this is because I have made mistakes which I regret making about the major I chose., the teachers, and the advisers. Anything you do in college stays in your transcript and than its reviewed by the Unis that your applying for. When your in a class the teacher really matters, some teachers are really strict about what they teach and how they teach. And some are really lenient. Before taking a class look at the reviews about the teachers. Before you go to a adviser to ask about what classes you should take, or what major should you choose, it is really important that the adviser knows the major you want. I had a really good adviser, but she wasn't that much informative about the major I had chosen, and ended up taking wrong classes. After making all these mistakes I have learned a lot. Now I am back on track, and always checking the classes with the Uni that I want to transfer to before taking the classes.