Rider University Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


The Gospel Choir performs


A large percentage of people go home on weekends because most of them live within 90 minutes of the school. The freshman aren't able to handle their alcohol, and the students love to vandalize the dorms. The SGA is a joke, because the students are only doing it to have something that looks good on their resume. The SGA prez, I hear, gets free tution. The big accomplishment was putting a Starbucks in the SRC. It's not even a real Starbucks, because its owned by Aramark. The Rider pub is the biggest night attraction on campus and is always crowded, because its soo tiny and now 18 yr olds are allowed in. There are only 2 bartenders working and it takes LITERALLY 20 minutes to get a drink when the place fills up.


We have traditions such a Cranberry Fest and University Day, which are like campus carnivals with games and prizes. We also have a Bronc Buffet or Bronc Bingo every Friday night and movies that were just in theaters every weekend. People are very friendly all over campus. Basketball is a big sport at Rider with Midnight MAACness! starting the season off. Games always have a great turn out and are a lot of fun.


Most popular organzations on cmapus are social and business Greeks, SGA, RLO, RHA etc. There are a plethora of clubs and orgs. I can pretty much say, if you're interested in it, you could find it on campus. I'm involved with RLO-residence life organization. I was an RA for a year. Depending on the dorm you live in, a lot of residences leave their dorrs open. Especially in the freshmen experience dorm which is Conover. Athletics are a big part of Rider especially men's basketball. There is a lot of Theatre on both campuses yet im not sure about their attendance. 2am on a tuesday? I'm watchinga movie with friends, studying or doing homework and probably coming back from the Bronc Diner.


Since Rider has over 100 different clubs and orgs, there is something for everyone. I am a part of the student entertainment council, and I love it! This group puts on a majority of the events on campus, from comedians, concerts, late night Bronc Buffets, and so much more both on the weekends and during the week. No one should ever be bored. The students are friendly and ready to get involved. Students tend to leave their doors open, especially freshmen when they are all meeting each other for the first time. Infact, I met my closest friends from everyone keeping their doors open on the floor. It wasn't unusual to just have someone walk into your room and sit down and hang out. Late at night during the week, it is relatively quiet. If people are hanging out, then they are at the Bronc Diner, or just hanging out in the residence halls. The biggest party nights are Thursday and Friday. Every now and then you can find a party on a Wednesday, but it is not as common. For a great time and tons of school pride, the students go to the basketball games. They are a blast!! Free prizes and tons of fun. Infact, basketball is such a big deal at Rider, that every year the Emerging Leaders group on campus puts on Midnight MAACness. At midnight, the basketball team, which is part of the MAAC conference, can start their season and have their first practice. It is a HUGE event that everyone comes out to to get free food, free t-shirts, and have a great time. It's kind of like a huge pep-rally. For those who are interested, Rider is about 15{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} greek, with the greek life on campus.


Bball is the biggest sport on campus (even though baseball won MAACs, but I'd bet that only 5{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the Rider population actually knows that). The whole dorm life is completely different throughout every dorm. There are a lot of thespians so the theater shows tend to be popular. Awake at 2am on a Tuesday, I'd be just leaving the diner or driving to Wawa. People party often and there isn't much to do on a Saturday night that doesn't involve drinking. At Rider you have to make your own fun...I made my own fun and thought Rider was a great experience.


Basketball season is the most amazing time of the year. It brings students to life more than anything else. It's really the only time the entire student body gets together and feels like a team. Also, the comedians, somehow the school always seems to pick the best ones. The only problem is, not all these things happen on weekends.


There are a billion different clubs so I won't even name any of them. At the start of the school year every club sets up a table and people can sign up for stuff then. All the athletic events are pretty popular, the main ones being the basketball, ice hockey, and baseball/softball games. You have to drive to the hockey games though, except when they have big games and get buses to drive over to the rink, which is only a 3minute drive right over route 95. The greek life used to be fun to hangout at, until Rider gave them a ton of strict rules to follow so they have really died down. The party scene is always gonna be there though. More kids have houses off campus and there used to be small ''get togethers'' in the pods, but Rider being the anti-party school ruined those for next year. There will always be the Rider PUB to go to on monday and thursdays though. Monday is for the 21+ crowd and have 5$ pitches and Thursday is 18 to enter 21 to drink with 1$ beers. Thursday night is pretty much like a club and is my favorite night of the week. If you don't drink, Rider always has really fun and cool events that they sponsor. They are usually free, and consist of going to minor league sports games, paintball, and other pretty cool stuff.


You're not allowed to consume alcohol with the doors open. Solo cups are not allowed in the hallway (regardless of its contents). If you're 21 and there's an underage person in the room with you while you're drinking, you're only allowed an X amount of open/visible beer cans. There is nothing you can do on a Saturday night- that is mildly amusing- unless you're drinking. If you're content with eating a bag of chips in front of the TV, watching a soap or the game; playing board games i.e. monopoly, risk or scrabble; video games and what not... then you'll survive. It's impossible to get off campus at night- if you did try to go off campus, you'd have nowhere to go anyways. With boredom, the vandalism starts. And no one gets caught for it- the fees for damages just gets split among the residents of that particular building/floor. For the innocent residents that had nothing to do with the damages or even knew that it happened, get charged 20-200 at the end of the term. You can always find a good party- but if you're too loud, you get 'shushed'. If you leave your door unlocked, open or unattended to- most likely you're gonna come back to find some of your stuff missing. No hazing? Not a real frat/sorority. And.. if I'm up late at night or should I say, early in the morning- it's either because I'm rushing work, watching a game, cramming for a test or... looking for my room but can't seem to find it.


My friends and I at Rider do basically everything together. My roommates and I have developed friendships that mean the world to me. Whether we help each other with homework, personal problems, or even simple problems, my friends at Rider are the ones who truly helped me to get through my freshman year. My friends and I almost always leave our doors open and talk to each other from across the hall. We end up meeting new people who pass by and it's our way of telling our neighbors that we want to get to know them.