The most popular activity is Greek Life. There are 3 fraternity houses and 4 sorority houses on campus. If you are not apart of Greek Life, it's ok, because most of the time you know someone who is, and that gets you to know the brothers/sisters. There are other activities to do around campus, everything from Ultimate Frisbee to WRRC 107.7 Rider's Radio station. I am heavily involved with 107.7 WRRC. As a freshman I was able to have my own 2 hour slot, and it does not matter what major you are, WRRC is open to one and all, even some members of the surrounding community have been known to have a show. The biggest sport at Rider is basketball, our home games most of the time have a huge turn out in the "Bronc Zoo." The Student Entertainment Council plans the events that happen on campus, they tend to bring a lot of comedians, and attendance of the events vary. If I am awake at 2 am on a Tuesday, which most of the time I am, I am normally talking to friends or doing work, and sometimes both. There really is not a lot going on at Rider on a Saturday night. The Student Entertainment Council does offer free movies on campus every weekend, but like I mentioned, since many people tend to go home on the weekend, you really have to find stuff to do off campus, in either New York City, Philly, or Princeton. It is also very helpful that we are located right next to Route 1. I've noticed many students are doing errands on weekends.
I am highly involved with the Science Learning Community, I think its really important to have a support system of science majors. They are some of the hardest majors on campus and its fun to interact with students who are drowning in labs too. Leaving your dorm door open is a great way to met people and recognize faces. My freshman floor was the party central and there were parties 4 or 5 nights a week, ranging in size. Greek life is present on campus and are housed on one side of campus, and they are pretty active. There still is a social setting outside of the greek life.
The concert was whack this year with Gym Class hero's but it was alright. Myt sorority is the best thing that has happened to me so far at school. We always have something to do and you get to know a tono of people. the frat guys are awesome. Theres always a good party to go to for the most part. Oh, and we also had a comedian come in, and he was hilarious! The boys are alright. I spend a lot of my time at the hockey games. i'm going to be manager next year for them. the dorms really arent that bad. i had fun, and I'm actually going to miss them next year once I move into my on campus sorority house. I usually stay on campus, so we dont need to drive. there always something to do; drinking or non-drinking which is cool.
The social life here is terrible. Ever since the student died, it feels as though we live in a prision. College is supose to be the best years of our lives, and instead..the rules are so crazy we can't even have 5 people in one dorm room after 11pm on a weekend.
Meeting people at Rider is as hard or as easy as you choose to make it. I found my friends by participating in cheerleading and Delta Sigma Pi. Organizations are a great way to meet people, especially early in your college experience. I find that people leave their doors open in dorms if they are friends with others in their wing of the dorm, but with the housing crunch on campus, getting housing with your friends will be more difficult and open doors will probably be less prevalent. Greek life used to have a larger presence on campus, mostly for the parties. Since 2 fraternities are now gone, they have less of an impact and their reputation has changed. Athletic events, mostly men's basketball games and Midnight MAACness draw a lot of students and are the most common school activity for students to attend. The university has made a lot of improvements to give students more to do on campus, trying to keep them on the weekends and reduce the drinking on campus. The games in the SRC, various pub events, and the diner give students more to do on campus that is in a controlled environment.
SEC is a huge organization on campus. I wanna say that its the second largest, minus SGA. SEC is the student entertainment council, SGA is the student government association. SEC and SGA both are student run organizations that work hard to provide the student body with things that they want. SEC is always having bands and comedians come perform at the school, and SGA works on solving issues that students are having, such as in the residence halls or parking.
The first few weeks of school students keep their doors open to their rooms. After that, they're unlocked. Awake at 2 on a tuesday? What am i doing? prob doing homework or watching a movie with some friends. Most nights we don't go to bed until 2 or 3. ACTUALLY! the bronc diner is open until 2 a.m. go there get the fat bronc NO bread!!
Since our recent record of tragedies (deaths..6 in one semester, most not even campus-related), Greek life has taken a BIG hit. Parties are more cracked down upon, yet our campus is not dry. SGA is clearly the most popular club/org on campus, the competition is CRAZY. We're also a Division I school for athletics, so sports are pretty big on the agenda, but mostly basketball. We have tons of guest speakers from all over the place come every semester. Orientation here is the best, its how everyone meets their first friends. There are tons of traditions that seem kind of tacky on paper but when you experience them they are A LOT of fun.
greek life is huge. brownwater coffee houses are good. the gym is nice. the food ain't so bad. the kids are obnoxious.
There are tons of activites to do around campus. Just look them up and do it. I've been playing ice hockey my whole life so i do that, and i just learned how to play lacrosse and joined that too. There are also lots of academic clubs to join. There are always athletic events to go too. I love goin to the men or womens basketball games and gettin a little rowdy, along with the volleyball games too. And the ice hockey games are always crazy especially any game that gets advertised. Those games usually get out of hand, both on the ice and in the stands. If you're awake at 2am on a tuesday, you're probably studying or drunk. You can usually find people partying m-t-w- def thursday nights at the pub!- f-s. i dont think many people drink sunday. Last weekend of school i got really drunk and fell outta the top bunk and busted my ass. Pretty funny, but hurt like a bitch the next day. If you don't drink, there are tons of things to do also. Rider sponsors really cool ass events on the weekends. Last year we went to a trenton tritans hockey game, and paintballing, and out to Medevil Times. A lot of people also go to philly to party and sometimes to NY.
Rider has many school sponsored social activities. Buffets and bingo games take place every months along with free movies every week. Musicians and comedians come by every so often as well. Each spring there is a huge concert. Jason Mraz came last year and Gym Class Heroes came this year. The campus pub is a great scene to kick back, meet people, or order a beer without the fear of a DUI. About 10{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of studnets are Greek. Greek students are passionate about their organizations as they should be after an intensive pledging semester. They party sometimes but you really have to know someone close to them to be included. I would like to see more open parties you can just go to at Rider like Penn State has.