Rider University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Rider University know before they start?


Finding the right college or university for a student is important. Since most schools have their own personality and feel to the campus, it is suggested to research many schools and visit them to find a good fit. Students and parents should also speak with current professors and students at the prospective colleges or universities to get a better idea from people who experience that local every day. Parents and students should also inquire about intern programs, because that experience is something that can set the students apart from others when searching for a career. Ultimately, the student's college experience is in their own hands. It isn't difficult to find a suitable school with the necessary aspects. Students should become as involved as they can in various activities on campus, and most schools have a decent variety of interesting things to try out. Responsibility resides with the students themselves to try different activities or take a position on a board for an organization. Not only are these great learning experiences, but these aspects can also lead to meeting new people and possibly making significant professional connections, which can be helpful beyond measure.


Make sure to visit the school and choose the one that best fits what your personality is andwhat interest the student has. Also what their major is going to be.


Find the one that you like best and offers what you want to major in. Make sure you get very involved in campus life so you are not left out. This helps you grow and get to know new people. You want to make the most of your college life before you have to enter the real world


I wouldn't be as concerned about a career path or major when chosing a college. I would consider what kind of atmosphere will bring out the best in your student/yourself. It isn't about earning the highest salary post-college, it's about finding out who you are and becoming comfortable with that person. By surrounding yourself with a chance to learn new things, meet new people, and get away from your comfort zone, you can have the chance to become not only who you are, but the person that you want to be. Ultimately, that comfortability with yourself is the greatest gift that college can give to you or you student, and it seems to me, that once you have that, everything else will follow.


When I worked as a tour guide and student representative for my college, lots of parents and kids asked me why I chose Rider. I told them that you can make decisions based on location, financial aid and academic merit, but most colleges have mastered those areas- that's how they came to be a college or university in the first place. The most important part of choosing a college is making sure that it fits, making sure that for whatever reason, you just feel like you belong there. Following your gut instinct is so important when it comes to choosing a college and usually it won't steer you wrong. I would also tell them that college is what you make it. Try new things, get involved, meet people- if you try to become a part of the university you're attending college will be everything you hoped it would be.


No matter what always make sure its your childs final decision to attend the school of their choice because if that doesn't happen they will not be happy and recent you.




take some classes outside your major.


The advice I would give to parents and/or students is to find a college that has faculty that is easy to reach and a lot of helpful resources like tutoring and financial aid. It is also very important that the school is up to date with technology. Also, you want to choose a school that is well known for your major and has the recourses avaiable in order to do well in that particular major. It is also important to notice what kind of reputation the school has (i.e : do the students seem serious about their studies or does it only look just like a party school). I would also recomend getting involved in intermurals or other extra-curricular activities to make the most out of your college experience. Becoming involved in fraternities and sororities can also be good for doing community service, and is especially good for networking. It is important to look at the area outside of the college for jobs and entertainment; going to a school that is in the middle of no where seems to have more drinking since there is nothing else for students to really do.


Don't let the price of college influence decisions about going to college. It is something that has really helped me get out of my bubble and become the person I want to be. You will know the right college when you see it and visit it; it needs to be someplace that you can see youself being at for some of the most memorable times in your life and someplace that you feel will let you be who you are. Make sure to get involved around school to give school a good value and make yourself active. It makes you have more fun and encourage time management skills, which are crucial to doing good in college. College is an integral part of life that I wouldn't trade for the world.