Rider University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Rider University know before they start?


My advice: Don't pressure your children into a school that isn't right for them. Let them research schools on their own and try not to influence them; this is their time to be independent and grow up. Give them advice but only in benefit for them and their future. To make the most out of your college experience, just let yourself grow up- try new things, meet new people. These simple actions will help you become the person you want to be and the person you are destined to be. Don't be afraid either because that will get you nowhere, and will hold you back. Think positively because in the end things will work out the way they are supposed to.


I think that I made the mistake of not looking around enough. Make sure that you don't just settle for one school. Apply to several so you can have a variety to choose from. Also, get to know EVERYONE on campus. Don't be clicky and only hang out with the same group all the time. The great thing about college is that you can make friends from every walk of life. So do it! Live up every day and take advantage of every opportunity you get from your school. Don't party every night and sleep in until 2 pm every day and waste your life away. Sure, there are times to party and have a social life, but you have to remember that college is about learning and getting a degree so you can make it out there in the real world. Put effort into college. It will all be worth it!


Visit as many schools as possible, and ask questions! Try to talk to some of the students who attend the university to get their perspective on the things that matter most to you. If you are unsure about what you want to do, go to a liberal school and expose yourself to everything! Ask professors for help and guidance.. they are usually more than happy to help you figure out what you want to do. Try to be open to everything.. and try to be careful about partying. College is meant to enhance your mind, not be an expensive party. Of course, socialize and have fun! It's not good to only study and never take a break. All in all, balance is key. Involve yourself on campus, in clubs, sports, or events. Keep focused and take advantage of the supports that your school offers you!


Learn about yourself. Know what you want and go for it. Find your niche and do what makes you happy.


I would tell parents and students to look for schools that suit their needs in everywhere. Consider the spaces you could be living in, the food you will be eating, and the area in which the school is located. Think about what is most important to you in the space that you live. Research meal plan choices so you get the most of the plan you pick. Also, meet with teachers and professors from the field in which you will be studying. Look into the requirements for your major and discuss the different classes with your advisor, knowing what is expected of you before hand will increase your chances of doing well in the class. Also, I would definitely talk to students that already attend the school and ask their honest opinions, likes and dislikes, and "secrets" they know about the school - knowing loop holes or other facts about the school will make your experience there easier. Furthermore, due to Facebook, finding out information about the school through profiles or groups is also a fantastic way to learn about the way things are run, as well as overall satisfaction from students speaking candidly.


I would recommend to rely on research and references from family,friends, and colleagues.


make sure you find a place that fits all your ideas that you want in a college not just academics or financial or social it must fit all three!


Every child will end up where they are suppose to be...its your child's choice


Do a lot of research on the school first. Just because the school is private and cost alot does not mean you will be providing with alot.


College is about finding out who you are and, consequently, what you want to do with yourself, your talents, and your wishes. Part of the college experience depends on the area where the college is situated, because people tend to act in certain ways depending on their environment. However, I also believe that one of the most important aspects of college is to find the way to discovering yourself, and that would come with the help of teachers and classmates. My major is music, voice to be specific, and it is so valuable to me that I found a teacher who will help me bring out the best qualities of my talent, as well as push me forward. You can ruin your career by studying with someone who doen't do just that. Therefore, I advise people to contact teachers in your specific area of interest while searching for colleges, research their strengths and weaknesses. General academics will be strong in most colleges, but if you want something rare or extreme, research is the key!