this is an espessially powerful question for me as I have had such a tumultous transition to college life. the first thing that would have saved me a lot of time and effort is that by applying for scholarships you are not freeloading, as you also benefit the group giving the scholarship, and society as a whole by achieving greatness. My parents are very supportive but also very financially disadvantaged I felt guilt at staying home with out paying rent especially with how expensive gas has been in the past year. Parents want the best for thier children and my parents are no exception, by going to school and doing well I can be my parents pride and not thier burden. Romances are inevitable in college settings but I think I would have to tell myself to make sure I find someone who can help you achieve your goals and truely want you to succeed
I think about this exact topic a lot. If I could go back in time and tell myself something that I didn?t know then, it would have to be to stay strong and don?t take anything, especially time and effort for granted. I would also have told myself to work harder than ever before. My senior year was the easiest and best year of my high school career. I had only a few classes, went to school late and then got to leave early, and I felt like the big man on campus. I wish that I had taken harder classes and instead of slacking off, I wish I would have done my best work that year. Then, after high school I had the opportunity to go to a four year university and play football, but instead of following through I backed out and stayed home. I wish more than anything that I would have taken that opportunity and made the most of it. If I could go back in time and tell myself something that would have changed how things are now? I wouldn?t hesitate for a second.
I would tell myself that I should take all the classes necessary so that I could go to a UC or CalState college instead of a community college. I would advise myself to make sure I am prepared to handle the work load and not wait unitl the last minute to finish things. I would tell myself to remember that school comes first and if friends tell you otherwise, then they are not the people you should be hanging around with. Furthermore, do not get discouraged if you have a hard time making friends because eventually it will happen. Also, remember that not everyone will like you and that is okay. Be cautious in who you trust because you never know if someone has a hidden agenda. If you are having trouble with something whether it be a class or something else, do not be afraid to ask for help. Always trust your instinct. Even though school comes first do not forget who your friends are and make time for them. Remember to have fun and take advantage of everything the college has to offer.
Growing up as a 7 year AVID Student, I had been preparing for college almost half of my lifetime. I took all the right AP/Honors classes, took on plenty of student leadership roles, and was an active member in campus clubs and sports teams. All seemed to be going well until my father began having an affair with another woman. A month later, my 19 year old sister became pregnant. Our previously humble home transformed into a battleground of hurt, anger, and tension. Somehow for the next year of high school, my studies , along with everything that i formerly cared for, slipped out from underneath the radar of my priorities. As my grades plummeted, I earned an Incomplete in AP English, and was no longer eligible to apply to any 4 year colleges. Distraught and angered, I rebelled against any tedious work to be done and burned bridges with most of my successful friends senior year. Knowing what I know now about college life, I wish I could go back and give myself this advice, "Collect yourself and complete what you have started. Life holds many trials, but if you just keep moving, It will all be worth it."
If I could talk to myself back when I was still in high school I would have taken more concurrent enrollment classes that were paid for through my high school. It is very expensive to go to college and I would have taken advantage more of the programs available to me. Also after working a manual labor job for almost a year I realize that I do not want to do that for my life work. I want to get paid more money for the same hours and do something that doesn't require a lot of manual labor. That is why I have decided to go to college and have enrolled in a pharmacy technician program. My sister is doing a pharmacy technician program through her high school. I did take HVAC at a vocational school, but with the recession I was laid off at my job within 9 months. That field being in the construction industry isn't doing very well. I researched and found out that the medical field is a more stable field to be in and that is why I have chosen the pharmacy technician field. I hope to get scholarships to help pay.
If i were to go back in time and tell my senior year self anything about college life it would be too not take college lightly and to not over load myself with classes. I would tell myself that college is nothing like high school where i could sleep through class and still get an A grade, that instead, college was something i would have to take seriously. I would explain to my more youthful counterpart that the second most crucial point to stress in college life is balance between class time, relaxation time, and work. If incorrectly mixed, the combination of these three things would ultimately lead to a miserable and unnecessarily difficult semester. Of course the most important insight i would have to express to myself would be the importance of friends. Truly nothing in this world is more important to a successful and stress free college life than amazing friends that you can count on to lift your spirits and encourage you in times of need. These are the jewels of wisdom that my oyster has cultivated for the short time i have attended high education and the things most important to my younger self.
When in highschool I would probably have encouraged myself early on to practice doing what you love to do and hope to achieve, as well as searching for new things to do. As in Investing good time in a hobby you do. In college much time has to be sacraficed for studying and assignments, leaving out a hobby you enjoyed so much. Even if there is time in your scheduale for that past-time, it will only last for so long, and you would realize how much better you could have been if you spent more time improving and getting those ''YES!'' moments when doing very well. I did waste more time doing things i never truly enjoyed, too bad that i found out what i love doing a little late. And this was because I blocked myself from finding those novel hobbys.
Keeping my head cooped in only one box instead of taking it off and noticing how many other things there are to do and experience was a mistake. I found them now, but if only I found them sooner by expanding my horizons.
If I had the chance to go back and give myself college advice, I'd have a lot to say regarding finances, friends, and studies.
I'd first tell myself to apply for scholarships, since a number of scholarships I see are geared towards those that aren't in college yet and I'd learn how to keep better track of what money I save, since this is the foundation from which I will be paying off my school loans. In dealing with friends I'd tell myself, that despite being in college, there is still some drama, just be careful who you become friends with, you'll realize who's genuine and really has your back. In regards to the most important aspect of all, studies, I would tell myself to get into the habit of studying more, so I can have great work instead of good work. I would tell myself that no one's expectations, but your own matter, you are your biggest critic, as long as you exceed your expectations, you are successful.
When you go to school, you have to rely on yourself to ASK for help. Go to workshops, pick up flyers, maps and brouchers, meet with counselors. If you cant figure something out do not be afraid to ASK. You should become as involved as you can be. Join a club, get to know the facilities. It's important that you feel like a student who is commited to your education and success. Getting to know your fellow students, and staff is important. If you are struggling in any classes, get somebody's phone number so you can study together, or ask the teacher about any tutoring that's available for the subject. Don't be afraid to reach out to others.
If I could go back in time, I would encourage myself to persue my artistic endeavors! I would tell myself that my passion for creating would only grow stronger in the future and that I would need to complete my education in order to fulfill my career goals! "Artistic talent is a gift not to be wasted" I would tell myself! "Work hard, stay focused and it will be most rewarding!" I would remind myself that I am a person who believes in doing what I love for a living, and that finishing school will get me there!