Riverside City College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Riverside City College know before they start?


If i had a chance to go back in time and change something I did in my high school years. The one think I would of change are my study habits. I remember that I would study while i was watching TV or listening to music. Now that I think back I never consentrated on what i was doing. The other think i would change is that i work while I was in high school. Once u start to have money you stop putting attention to your studys and what you do in school. You start to go out with friends on afternoons instead of staying home to study for test or the material teachers gave you. I would of paid more attention on my classes to get higher grades and GPA. So when I stared college, I can start with my requieremenst to transfer to a four-year college or university. Instead of staring low on my classes and spend more time on acomplishing my requierements to transfer.


I would tell myself that college life is hard and stressful at times. I would inform myself on the importance of time management, which is a very valuable skill that is needed for studying and for making it to class on time. I would tell myself to not get distracted or derailed by other people, that my only reason for being at school is for learning. I would tell myself to work a part-time job, maybe 18 hours a week for a little spending money. I would tell myself to work hard in the pursuit of knowledge, that college costs money and below exceptional grades are not acceptable. I would tell myself to join a club that plans regular and fun activities. I would also tell myself to step out of my comfort zone by broadening my mind to diverse areas of study. I would remind myself to take an exercising class for managing stress. I would say, "Never forget the importance of family. They are your greatest support system and will always be there for you". And lastly id say, "Have fun, its only college".


if i went back into time as a high school senior there would be alot of advice i would want to give myself. i would have told myself that it doesnt matter that you dont have a social security number right now still go to those college fairs and find out what it is that you want to do. dont give up on your school work and let your grades drop because you feel youll never get anywhere because your birth mother never took you to the hospital when you were born so that you could get a social security number. you might not have been able to fill out college applications but you could still could have looked into colleges and asked some questions . you might not have applied for financial aid because no social security number but still look into colleges and keep your options open. dont give up your social security number will be here in just a couple of months. look into univerisities and see what kind of programs they have as well as community colleges. go on campus tours and see what you like best. that is the advice i would give myself


KAYLIN! Don't screw up! Remember your FAFSA deadlines and apply for every scholarship available to you. Get to class early and make sure to get someone's phone number. Put the phone down! Do NOT text in class. Remember to stock up on scantrons and blue books. Always carry spare change to print things out in the library. Stick through the class til the very end, you might learn something new, even if you don't pass. Remember to smile and laugh, because with all the essays and exams, your classmates will need something to relieve some of their stress. And remember to always have fun, college is the best thing to happen to you!


Stay on track, be a dedicated, hardworking student and you will succeed in everything you put your mind to.


I would tell myself not to get lazy and stay focused on my goal, and do not allow the little things in life slow you down to achieving that goal. In addition, I would tell myself not to think about the future so much and he should just live in the now because in the end everything will unfold. I would not change the college that I am attending now because RCC is a great choice for me. Furthermore, RCC saves me a lot of money for the classes students take at universities, and It provided me with the time I needed to know what I really wanted to do for my career.


I would definitely try to understand better how college is important and how deadlines are very important too. Being on time with the deadlines will give more benefits like in registering early and getting in the calsses we like and need. I would also make sure to turn in all paper work like financial aid and registration papers. Also make sure how to get around the campuses and know wher everything is because at one poitn you are going to need something and not knowing where the places are are bad. Overall just to be on time and know the teachers and campuses well.


I would tell myself to set a goal for myself and stick to it. Never let the obstacles and setbacks get me down and never give up on my dream. I would suggest setting a study schedule and a good environment that will allow me to be the most productive.


Stay in school and get your degree.


I would tell myself to really challenge myself and take diverse courses which may or may not be specific for my major. College is a time to explore and learn new things which interest you. not just about receiving a degree and I think a lot of students lose sight of that. Not only would this cause individuals to become more well rounded but it may even open a new career option to them that they never thought of before but now interests them.