If i were to go back and talk to myself in my senior year, I would encourage myself to pursue scholarships more. Pursuing scholarships early will help you out in the long run, so as to avoid back-breaking loans. I would tell myself to apply left and right for scholarships and to seek other ways of getting money for school. Also, I would try and convince myself to not look at the price of attendance and more at the quality of the school. I believe I let some opportunities go because of my skepticism towards the cost of some schools. I realize now that there are endless ways to get money for school and that I should've taken advantage of some of them.
College is a new start. Allow yourself to wander. I thought I had it all figured out going into my freshman year but I didn't and that's ok. You are allowed to change your mind. Take fun classes, interesting classes, even classes that you think you'll hate because you might be suprised what you fall in love with. Allow yourself to branch out. Try new things. Be adventrous. Find yourself. It's not about the destination it's about the journey.
Learn how to study!!! As a high school student you can get good grades without putting much extra time into your studies. College classes and tests are so much more indepth and time consuming than anyone realizes. They say that each hour of a college class equals 2-4 hours of studing, but no one believes that in high school. Learn how to study in your own way and keep up with it.
Take dual credit classes or AP classes while in high school. Taking these classes in high school are usually easier and much less expensive for the same amount of credits. I did take some dual credit classes in high school and my parents were very thankful.
Save your money and apply for scholarships. College is expensive, but so worth it and so much fun. Apply for as many scholarships as you can. They are time consuming and nobody likes to write essays, but receiving free money for school means that you can spend more time studying and playing and less time looking for a job.
Last, but not least - have fun!!!
never stop learning, learn from everything. Learn from your teachers, parents, friends, school, books, travels, and most importantly learn from your mistakes. Life is too short to live not knowing what youre missing.
Hey past self hows it going? I see that you are getting ready to graduate high school and are considering which college to attend. You may feel like you should try for an online art degree to stay in sidney mt, but consider this do you want to leave montana forever when your older based on your career choice? I know I didn't and so after putting time and money towards a degree I didn't want, I switched back to my original idea of becoming a veterinarian. I am now pursuing a pre vet degree with a bachelors degree in biology at RMC. It has been long and hard, and I wish I would have started sooner. I am running out of FAFSA aid, and I now have to pray for scholarships and private loan acceptance in order to finish my degree. If I would have just went for my vet degree to begin with I would have been done sooner and had enough to pay for undergraduate. You should start volunteering and getting experience for veterinary now, and start applying for scholarships as soon as possible. This will save you both time and money in the future.
Knowing what I know now, I would tell myself to be open minded and confident in my decisions. Coming out to school in Montana and majoring in Therapeutic Horsemanship and Psychology, I realized that if I expect other people to accept these changes, I need to be completely open to their ideas. With that being said, even if people are not open to my changes, it is important to have the outward confidence in these decisions regardless of if people are going to be nice about it. Be who you want to be and have the confidence to show when you truly believe in it. If you think about it, no one has the right to make you feel inferior or to flash judge you. With this attitude, pride is important but so is humbleness. In the end, keep on helping people and enjoying life along the way.
Although it sounds like a cliche` you really need to put yourself out there and make new friends because there really are other people just like you out there, and believe it or not your roommate just could be one of them. Don't be fooled by your new classmates appearances; although it might not look like you belong in the same crowd that they do, you'll find yourself making friends with a number of vastly different people, and that's okay. I won't tell you that it's going to be easy because those first goodbyes might make you want to turn right back around, but you have to know that you made the right decision and you will be surorunded by a new, loving community of people who will be with you every step of the way. Although sometimes it may seem hard, know that you are never alone and you'll do great. Just remember to breathe as you step out that front door into your future.
If I could go back and talk to myself as a senior in high school, I would encourage myself to seek opportunities to grow and to learn skills that will make me successful in college life (like budgeting!) because college is a completely new world compared to living at home with Mom and Dad; the variety of people you meet is astounding and they come from all walks of life. I still can't believe the people I'm friends with now and how unique they are! I would tell myself that it is essential to be genuine with the people you meet because drama flares up easily and to be trapped in the midst of it is a stressful thing, and friendships could be ruined as a result. But the most important thing I would tell my 17-year-old self would be that the people you meet at college, at Rocky Mountain College, will be there for the rest of your life- that is how great your friends will be in college. And on the first day of new student orientation, you will meet your greatest friend yet and she only lives 30 minutes away from you now.
I know you are worried about college right now. And I know you hate yourself for screwing up in high school. Community college is literally the worst possible option in your mind right now but let me just tell you it changes your life. It is the best decision you ever made and you will thank yourself every day because of it. You'll see all your friends go off to college and I know you want that to be you, but if it was I am almost certain you would have lost the person who you are. There is a lot to regret about how you treated high school but it doesn't have to be that way anymore. You have a fresh start. This time make it count! Get involved work hard on your grades and find what really makes you passionate and happy and take it head on. Right now you know no one believes in you. But I'm telling you, you can prove them all wrong. So go out and do it.
I would saved up money to pay for school and learn a lot in school mostly to learn more things about college why i could got prepare for school but i do wanna do things in life at least be somebody and make people proud of me why i can say i did something in life . I see most of people aaround my age they not trying to things in there life why they can now .