I would have gone to RMC first! If I was a senior in high school again I would have put in more applications to small schools, and worked harder on scholarships. RMC has been great cause no one gets lost in the shuffle, at a bigger school the shuffle is large and you don't know the teachers personally and you have to work hard to get noticed by them. So I would have came to my priavte school first, and then the other piece of major advice I'd have is to apply for more scholarships and take even more college credits in high school. College is expensive, many use their senior year to goof off and chill, when they should be applying themselves even more, and applying for scholarships. Taking dual credit courses is great cause it costs less and it counts toward college and high school, so you can get some pesky gen eds out of the way on half the price. In conclusion my advice to my former self would be to apply myself harder, take challenging courses, and consider school size as a major factor.
If I could re-trace my steps and go back in time to give my high school self advice, I would begin by saying that everything happens for a reason and that persistance will take you where you need to go. If I knew then what I know now, I would have focused more on creating friendships and self growth. I know now that in order to be successful in this life, you must come to truly know yourself inside and out. I was always quite studious and academic work came easily to me. Even so, I put many hours every day into perfecting my work and accomplishing my goals. I believe that I may have put too much emphasis on this aspect of my life, and not enough on my personal well being. I have come to know the person that I truly am and now realize, and would say to my high school self, that the journey of personal exploration is the greatest feat one can ever accomplish. I would tell my younger self that, even though you do not know it right now, you have overcome a painful past and will have a bright and successful future.
Make sure you know what you want. Think about your future and where you want to be after college. Which school gives you the most opportunity to learn and work in your field? You will need as much experience as possible when looking for a job after college. Look for a community that can give you that. Also, your social life is a huge part of college. A smaller school will give you more social opportunities. College is very different from high school. There is no need to worry about peer pressure. If you don't want to do something, simply don't. No one will bother you about it. But don't be afraid to try new things either. College is the perfect place to live and learn before you enter the real world. Have fun and have as many experiences as you can. If you're dedicated, you will make whatever school you chose work in your favor.
I have not started college yet, I am looking to start this coming spring semester, so i would tell my senior self not to worry about rushing things, that you want to wait it out and find the perfect college for you. After all it is all about you and you're going to be spending a lot and time and energy there, so make sure your choice is everything you want .
I have learned how to manage time and I have created lasting friendships that I will have in the far future. I know how to succeed in college and I know that I can make it in four years if I put my mind to it
Through my college experience, I have greatly expanded my knowledge in psychology and therapy. I have developed better team-working skills and am able to express myself orally and in writing more effectively. I have become more outgoing and confident. The classes in my major have taught me a lot about my desired career field, and I am confident that I am going into an area that I will be happy and successful in. It has been valuable to attend because I have made connections with people in my career field because my instructors are knowledeable and helpful. They have helped me find internships and careers. The professors are always willing to help students improve their grades, understanding of concepts, or even help you in other classes.
I am a graduate of the 2007 highschool class and have no clue what road to take. I am a transfer student and am currently attending my 3rd University. College has been a great opportunity for me to try new things and try to figure out what path i want to take my life. It has given me choices that only I can make and challenged me to rely on myself to push myself through adversity. I have made friends that will last a lifetime and have learned so much useful information that will help me to choose a career that is right for me. I am also in College athletics, i have learned to work with so many different personalities which has given me patience that i lacked before. After i finish i will have a degree and a purpose in life that i may not have figured out without my experience. To attend college was the smartest and most rewarding decision i have ever made.
For me, college provides a nice transition between my teenage and adult life. In college, I learn how to make the right decisions while living on my own, which isn't as easy as it sounds! These decisions can be as simple as whether or not to spend that $20 on a cool t-shirt I see in the store, or something more serious like who I choose to call my friends. Luckily, I've met students who I am proud to call my friends and they will remain so for the rest of my life.
First I would tell myself to have a more oppen mind to all the schools I'm looking at. When I was a senior I had my heart set on going to only one school, at a last minute decision I decided to go somewhere else. I would also tell my self to not be scared, that college is an amazing experience and that i should take it all in. I would tell myself about all the people that I'd met and how great eveything is. Before I left I would tell myself to learn how to study correctly because I would need it.
If I could go back in time to give advice to myself while I was a senior in high school. I would tell myself to keep going and save money for the purchases I would have to make in the first semester. I would also let my former self know that I need to keep a decently clean room for the convenience of my room mate. I would tell myself that there are tasks I will not want to do but I have to do and to not complain when I have to do those tasks that lie ahead of me. I would also advise myself that I need to keep in contact with my mother and not give her an attitude when she tries to give me some advice that may and usually will prove helpful.