Roger Williams University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Roger Williams University know before they start?


I would tell myself that there is nothing to worry about. I am good at most things I do, but I just have to love what I do and love the school. Worrying about things is my biggest problem. Every semester now, my mom struggles to come up with the money for me to attend the school because they keep raising the tuition. My little brother is going to school in the fall so she will have a bigger burden to conquer all by her self now that we will both be in school. I need this money so I do not stress her out because I know the feeling.


If I had the chance to talk to myself when I was a senior in high school, I'm not sure if I would give myself any advice. The entire process of finding a college was such an incredible experience that I wouldn't change a thing. I stressed out and worried that I would make a bad choice and regret the decision I made. In the end I did not end up where I thought I would be, but I found myself happy. Now, I realize that making yourself happy is the most important thing when searching for a college. It does not matter what your friends think or what your parents say is the right thing to do. They are not going to college with you. Their opinions may help you on the way to finding out what you like and what you want in a school, but it should not be your opinion. The hardest thing about finding a college is first finding yourself and figuring out what you want. If you are able to find a school that makes you happy, then your attitude is the only thing left that will break or make your college.


College is amazing!!! You will have so much fun when you get there. You'll be making friends left and right and having some of the best times of your life. Just make sure you save up all the money you have now, I mean it! And don't get too stressed, things will work out, they always do. Just make the right decisions, follow your instincts and get into as many extracurricular activities and clubs that you can. Live, laugh, and love as much as possible, because in the end, that's all that really matters :) Just make sure you graduate on the way haha.


Take AP courses!! They really do matter, with enough, you could be a sophmore (credit-wise) during your first semester freshman year.


I would tell students to apply to a bunch of schools. Once you have your acceptance letters, narrow them down to maybe your top 5. Go and visit those schools, and see which you feel most at home at. That might get your top schools down to 2 or 3. Then fully research what those top 2 or 3 schools have to offer. Make sure the program that you are going to study is top notch. If you're looking for a specific sprot, make sure they have it. If you're looking for a specific club, make sure they have it, and if they don't see if they are willing to let students create new clubs. Don't settle for less than what you want. Once you get to the school, get out and know your neighbors, join clubs, and study hard. Don't waste all your [parents] money. Balance your academic life and your social life well.


Take time to visit a variety of colleges, looking at more options lets one figure out exactly what they're looking for. not every college is the same, so picking the right college should take time and research into each school.


Visit the colleges that you are deciding between. You will know which one is right for you when you are on campus. If you do not get an immediate feeling of which one is right for you then compare the schools by what they have that you are looking for in a school.


I would encourage parents to let their child see as many campuses as possible. When they step onto the right campus they will know. They will gain a sense of self upon standing on the grounds. A part of going to college is learning how to be comfortable with yourself, and you cannot be comfortable in a place where you don't feel comfortable. College is a lot less cliche than high school. Choosing a smaller school over a larger school may be beneficial to your child if they are more on the shy side. If you have active children who thrive in sports they may want to attend a larger school. In my 4 years of college I have learned so much about myself, who I am as a person, my beliefs, my goals, how I want to be perceived by the world. The college years I think are the years that define you for the rest of your life.


I definitely advise that you visit as many campuses as possible. I was lazy and only visited a couple and I decided very quickly that I wanted to go to my current school. I never got that, "I need to go here feeling." You will know when you have the right school, don't rush it. College is a very important decision and you want to make sure that you are happy with the school that you decide on.


A lot of what you get out of college is what you put into it. As a future student, you should be flexible while conducting your college search. Do not expect any campus to be perfect. Before you start the search, set up a list of loose guidelines, such as, campus size, available majors, location, etc. Use these guidelines to focus on possible schools and once you have your list compiled, begin more in depth research. Once you've chosen your school, keep your flexible mindset. Remain open minded during the transition period. It is important to remain optimistic about your future at the college. Do not allow yourself to become overwhelmed during the first few weeks. Use clubs or sports to outreach to other students if you are having trouble finding a group of friends you fit in with. Keep in mind that your new friends may be different from the high school ones you've grown accustomed to. Have a positive attitude about the change. The flexibility you practice during the college search and transition will help prepare you for the challenges you have ahead of you and will help you make the most of your college experience.