So far, I have learned a lot about certain subjects and and how to work everything in a schedule.
Colege Has been valuable to attend. It has made me believe in myself, that I can achieve great things. I became the first in my family to recieve a degree. I have made my famiy proud and that just makes me feel wonderful. Knowing that they are all proud of me, delighted by what I have done. I have recieved my A.S degree in Business Administration. Made some great friends, and have done things I never thought I would or could do, like be one the four students who were the only students in New Jersey to win the State Farm Youth Advisory Board Grant. I never thought I would be a student on the Deans List, or achieve as much as I have. Those 2 years have changed my life, and now I would like to continue my studies in the spring. Make greater achievements and some good changes in me and my family's life.
College has been a roller coaster ride for me. Originally I attended an art school in Boston and hated it. However I learned a lot and met such interesting people that I would still do it all over again, (and hate it all over again). Then I transferred to a liberal arts university in my small hometown. Now I love it! Even though I do not live on campus or have a very active social life, I can say with full confidence that the knowledge and experiences in the classroom are well worth the time and money. College has taught me to be confident. I feel smarter, goal oriented and right where I am supposed to be. It has tested me so many times that I now know how to trust myself. I would not trade anything in the world for my new found confidence that my college experience has given me.
I have attended many classes here at this school, but 1 class has really made a difference. Last semester I took Marine Mammology with Dr. Webb. Before taking this class I only wanted to work on dolphins. This class really changed my mind. Dr. Webb taught us about all types of marine mammals and their behavior. I have since decided that I not only want to research dolphins, but large mysticetes as well. I want to research the mother and calf relationship in Humpback whales. Dr. Webb is an amazing professor and there are other like him who really enhanced my experience here at Roger Williams University.
When I entered college I knew virtually nothing about construction management. After two years I have learned more than I could have dreamed of and am able to communicate with experts in my field on a professional level. Now enjoying a second internship position in construction management I feel I have made the connection between what I have learned in the classroom and the profession. My experience in construction management is only because of the professionals that teach at my college and I would not be where I am today without their instruction and guidance. The professors and students at Roger Williams University have helped me become a wiser and more mature individual and I will never regret the experience I have had so far at this school.
By attending college thus far, II have learne how important it is to do community service and to give back to your community. I have realized that these people really need the help and they are very appriciative ffor whatever you are willing to do. I have also learned that the hard work you put into things is well worth it. The sense of accomplishement you get when you do well on a test or a papeer feels really good. I have also been able to come out of my shell a bit and not be afraid to talk in class or to my teachers and fellow students. I have learned some life lessons that will be usefull when I start my life on my own. Finally, I have always known I have wanted to be a lawyer but when I started studying it in college, it confirmed that feeling and I know that is what I want to do for the rest of my life.
I am early in my college experience, since I am only in my first semester of college life. I have become much more
independent and grown as a person. I have worked very hard on my school work and been sucessful in my first semester
classes. I have learned time management, and become more outgoing willing to try different things that may be out of
my comfort zone, but could open the doors to a new experience or direction in my life. I miss my home friends and family, but
I have become more of my own independent person tht I can be proud of. I am still learning new things, and trying to
figure out my carreer plans.
This has been a very valuable experience, and I strongly reccommend a college experience to any young person willing to
be an active participant at a college.
My college experience was the best time of my life. I learned a lot about friendships, networking, and time management. College prepared me for the 'real world'. Being a part of clubs and organizations on campus taught me how to balance classes, homework, obligations, and a social life. This helped prepare me as an educator because in the world of teaching you must be able to balance teaching children, paper work, and a lot of school events. After graduating, I now appreciate the time and effort people put in to grow my learning experience. It took a lot of work to help prepare me for the world outside of college. The reason why friendships, networking, and time management skills is the most valuable experience for me is because it helped me become a good teacher, and to care about the things I am most passionate about; teaching children.
I would tell myself to reasearch my options more. In high school I used my gut feelings to decide where I wanted to go and just assumed I could go in undecided and it would all work itself out. I had to transfer. It wasted a lot of time and money. If I had been more decisive in high school I could have saved myself a lot of trouble.
Knowing what I know now from experiencing college, I could give myself a lot of advice that I didn't know before. If I was a high school senior again, I would encourage myself to work extremely hard on every assignment, project, and test. This would make my work ethic extremely high and would prepare me extremely well for college. Another advice I would give to myself is to apply for scholarships and look for anyway to get money to pay for school. I didn't think ahead that far how I was going to afford school. Between tutiton, room and board, and book expenses, it can cost a lot to go to college. It's important to check out your financial options while your applying to schools. To help make the transition as smooth as possible, it's crucial to be open to everything and everyone and to work extrememly hard. Your paying a lot of money for a great education and college experience and you want to make it as memorable and significant as possible!