Roger Williams University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Roger Williams University know before they start?


make sure the school has the major your child wants, and make sure they are not jsut going to the school because it is beautiful. College is about learning as much partying as there is, one needs to learn to balance the two out, and if you cannot you could find yourself in trouble come Finals Week


the college expirence is about haveing the time of your life in a comfortable environment. One is supposed to be outside the comfort zone and try new things that were previously not tried because they were affraid of what the parents may say. College is a time to spread wings and be the person you want to be and if thats not who you are then change, all the while studing to better yourself in the real world. It is a time to learn how to mannage your private life with work, at first it will be hard but you will get the hang of it and it will become easyer. In other words college is a time to be who you are and better yourself and your future, but have fun doing so.


Go with your first instinct, trust me, you won't regret it.


I suggest to look within yourselves to see what you need for your education, not what you want. Do you need to expand your mind and ideas? Do you need to branch out and try new and different things, to diversify your life? If you do, pick a college that does that. Do not pick a college because it is safe, or because it is close to home, or it resembles where ou went to highschool. Pick a place different, because that will be the best education of all, learning from people that are completely different than you. Yes, money, location is very important, but in the end, the education, and things you take away from college that you don't learn in the classroom is actually the most important. Anyone can study Anthropology, Science, Languages, but not many can say I lived a life completely different than I lived the last 18 years of my life in highschoo?


I would tell students to sit down and think about what they want in a college. Think about everything from academics, to extra-curricular activities. Apply to every school that you are interested in and definitely visit those schools. I truly believe that you can tell if you belong somewhere from the first time you visit the campus. If you think you are not good enough for a school, still apply. I have been told that many schools could fill their classrooms with valedictorians but choose not to because they want a diverse and interesting student body. You could be that person who stands out! Choose your school based on more than one reason. Do not just look for the school with the best academic ratings and think that is the only way you can succeed. Every school offers different opportunities and not everyone belongs at the number one party school or Ivy League!! All in all follow your heart, never settle for the school you think your ?supposed? to go to, and have an amazing time exploring your opportunities. My advice to parents?.let your children explore every option and try not to place many limits on their future!


For the parents, I would ask them to be supportive of their student's choice of college/major, because it is a big decision that will affect their future. For the students I would ask them to consider everything there is when choosing a school in, for example the size of the school and what degrees and programs they offer. Once you find the right school you should do everything you can to become a part of it. Get involved in organizations and clubs, go to as many events as possible, and make sure to always do your work. The way to meet great friends is by participating in different events. Try to experience as many different things as possible because this is probably the only chance you have to do so. It is preparing you for your future so don't get carried away with having fun. The work is just as, if not more important than your social life.


It is important that you find a school that really fits your personality. I loved my school because it had a pretty campus, but after being here for a long time I feel very distant from the rest of my student body. I don't really fit in with them because they are, for the most part, spoiled and catty. It's important that you make good friends early on and recognize the friends who are a bad influence or fake. Spend your time at college finding out who you are and don't be the stereotypical freshman that "goes crazy". You'll regret it.


You really need to visit the school and see what its like. Understand how many people go there and the teacher to student ratio. The way you learn really effects what school you want to be in. Don't go for a huge school if you don't like lectures and you would rather have hands on activities and discussions. The location is a huge part of the school you attend. If you are not happy in the location you will not be happy at the school. Visiting is a key. If you know what you want to do then go for a school that is really focused in that area. If you are not suere you should pick a school that has a lot of general majors and a lot to choose from. You want to make sure you have options if you decide you change your mind about the major. Really look into the social life of the school and see if it fits you; college is not just about learning but getting to know people and having fun. Who you meet really effects if you enjoy going to the school you chose. Remember to have fun!


College is going to be part of the best years of your life. Start early; look at as many colleges as you want until you find the right fit for you. Take advantage of all the college of your choice has to offer; whether it be the arts, extra curricular activities, sports, residential life etc. also be sure to check if the school has those opportunities or the ones you want. Go to class? you pay for them but its OK to skip every once and a while. The social aspect of college is as equally as important as the academic. Make friends and don?t be afraid to let college help shape the person you are becoming. You've got four years to live a completely different lifestyle then you have been and will be living in the future. My biggest piece of advice to you is...Make every second count!


Remember that you will grow and change, and it isn't the end of the world if you switch schools later. In picking a school determine what is most important to you, meaning your values and morals. Find a place where you think you will find others you can relate to, or at least where you will find accepting individuals.