Rowan University Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


The activities that Rowan provides are great. It's a shame that students don't take advantage of them. Many would rather be out drinking and getting ripped out of their minds. I think it's sad. I take part in many of the Rowan activities including SUP events and After Hours. What they are doing for the students is awesome.


The best way to meet your closest friends is through where you live and your classes. Most likely you will meet some of your best friends on your floor so it is important to always be friendly. Also, you will be spending a lot of time with the people in your major who have to take the same classes so you will meet many good friends there as well.


Most Rowan-sponsored events are poorly attended. There are a few places to party just off-campus and Landmark is walking-distance for those over 21. Greek life is there for those who want it, but it isn't like you have to be in one in order to go out on a weekend. I've met most of my friends through living with them, being in clubs or being in classes. I would say that for those who want to go looking for a party, it won't be hard to find one, but for those who don't, you won't be the only one.


I lived in Chestnut and I LOVED it! At first I wasn't too sure about it because you're kinda secluded, but that almost makes it better because you don't have to sign your friends in and out or visitors when they spent the night. The max a guest is supposed to stay overnight is 2 nights when in the dorm, but it didn't matter in Chestnut (Magnolia is the same set-up too). My friends and I would hang out until 2 or 3 in the morning and it was great. We also made friends with a bunch of the RA's and a lot of the time they would hang out in our lounge and be just as loud as us! (note: ALWAYS try to be friends/friendly with your RA!)