I believe that the best aspect of my school is the expansive library that we have here. It is a 3 story tall building with books ranging from romantic novels to mythology encycolpedias. Each of the floors of the building have specific "quiet" states. On the third floor, it is a quiet study room that you can do essays or research in peace, where absolute silence is enforced across the floor. On floor 2, is a partially quiet room, in which students can meet to discuss projects in a refined area. Finally the bottom floor is a genearl meeting room.
The relaxed atmosphere.
I tell my friends that attending Rowan University is challenging yet rewarding. The campus is always making ways to improve the environment to better it's students learning. Rowan University encourages the students to be independent.
I tell my friends about how beautiful my campus is. I tell them about the great gym and library on campus. I also talk about the cool and friendly professors.
I don't brag about anything.
Rowan University has a fresh and new College of Engineering. Engineering is a really hot field right now, and I think Rowan is a great place to become involved in it. I recommend it to everyone I can. While Rowan has had some unfortunate circumstances that have driven its cost up, it is still an inexpensive University with a lot of programs and in a great location.
I brag most about the people on campus. I have not meet one person with whom I feel I could not be friends. Employees of the University and the students alike are some of the kindest people I have met. They are all willing to help out in a club, sport, or just walking around campus. This makes the University a very welcoming and happy place to be.
The things that I brag most about when I am talking to my friends about Rowan University are the professors. They really do care about their students, and want them to succeed when they graduate. The professors in the College of Education really do try to prepare their students for the classroom, and work hard to bring us the most current information in our field.
the science building technology
I brag that Rowan has one of, if not the best education program in the state of New Jersey, and that I will be able to find a job as a teacher very easily because of it.
My dorm room is pretty neat. Also the relationships and comradery among students.
I love my advisors and the research opportunities in the psychology department. There is almost always an opportunity to do field experience or work in a lab, and the professors are engaging and really helpful. The psychology club offers a lot of really great opportunities for career placement and connections in society as well.
i talk a lot about the greek life
That it allowed me to make my own documentary with government funding and a reliable crew. This documentary won awards and got me the experience I needed to get jobs in the field I studied.
I had fun at the parties, and my teachers for history were great
I always say Rowan is the kind of place where you can't be twenty feet behind someone without them waiting for you to reach the door they are holding open.