Rowan University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish i had known how many firedrills we were goign to have. I would also liked to have known you meet most of your friends the first week you are there. Also getting involved will help with your resumue's. Being involved lets you meet new people as well as get used to the new community you are in. The last thing i wished i had known before i came to school how much home sick i really was going to get and how to cope with that.


The advising can suck, so being aware of that would have made the process a little easier.


Before going to Rowan University to learn to be teacher, I wish I had known that I did not want to teach in a traditional classroom setting. I wish I had known that the things I enjoy about teaching could also be done in the social work and counseling fields I now find myself in. I loved teaching when I taught, but I feel more fulfilled now that I have found an area that appeals to more of who I am.


I wish I had had a clearer idea of what I wanted to do with my life. I ended up switching majors after my freshman year because I just did not want to do what I thought I did. I wish in high school I had been encouraged to explore my interestes rather than picking a major right away.


I wish I knew how many clubs and organizations Rowan offers. They offer honor societies, greek life, religious groups, programs for sexuality, diversity and awareness on drugs and alcohol. These programs are extremely informative and interesting to the college community- they just need to advertise more. They have a ton of incredible organizations; Everyone can join one!


I wish i knew more about on campus student jobs before attending.


Before I came to Rowan University, I wish that I knew more about financial aid. Over the semesters I have attended at Rowan, I have been offered no financial aid because the government says my parents make too much money. This came as quite a shock to me because my parents struggle to keep up with bills at home, which often makes me wonder how much a person has to struggle to receive government assistance for school. I also wish I knew about the various amounts of scholarship opportunities available.


I suppose I would have liked to have been given the knowledge that trusting yourself in selecting courses are most beneficial to meet my personal and academic persuits. Course advisers usually advocate the classes that they teach and thus, have done extensive research for providing its lectures. However, they will recommend these classes without your particular goals in mind. You find out that you might have wanted to choose electives better suited to additional studies based on a specific career, not just a broad study area.


Haha, my biggest gripe about going to Rowan the first time is that the program I was enrolled in really wasn't well equipped for what I wanted to do. However, that is half my fault for not having a well developed plan for what I did want to do. Finally, working my way through College was a huge drag. I didn't get the most out of my education because I thought that College was "just school", and between work and studies, I didn't have a lot of time to build career rapport with peers and professors.


Better study habits


Many people prepared me in many ways by talking with me and showing me around school before I even arrived. Nothing could have completely prepared me, because no matter what I heard or learned, it was an experience that I needed to go through on my own in my own way. I wish I entered the school with more of an open mind so my first semester would have been more enjoyable. I am grateful for what I have learned and for who helped me through this time because they made the transition much easier.


the location of it


I wish I had known how expensive and intense engineering school really was. When I say expensive I not only mean the financial costs, but also social, time, and effort.


How to mack it to older women.


I wish I would have know how much time and work really does go into classes. College really isn't all about having fun outside of class, its about doing work before you have fun.


I wish I had known that I was not going to like it. I wish I knew what I wanted to do, that way I wouldn't have wasted time, credits, and money on classes I didn't need.


That there was more school pride with athletics


How to balance a checkbook. How to properly watch my credit card spending. How to save money. How to interview for a job. How to use real film equipment.


Nothing, I knew everything from orientation.


I wish I knew that there was a dance program avaliable for all students. It would have made Rowan and easier school to choose.